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  Book ID/图书代码:06930019C00003
页数: 48 定价: 0美元 上传日期: 2019-11-15

English Summary/英文概要: Autism in women and girls is still not widely understood, and is often misrepresented or even overlooked. This graphic novel offers an engaging and accessible insight into the lives and minds of autistic women, using real-life case studies.

The charming illustrations lead readers on a visual journey of how women on the spectrum experience everyday life, from metaphors and masking in social situations, to friendships and relationships and the role of special interests.

Fun, sensitive and informative, this is a fantastic resource for anyone who wishes to understand how gender affects autism, and how to create safer supportive and more accessible environments for women on the spectrum.

Chinese Summary/中文概要: 患有自閉症的男孩比女孩多,這個刻板印象是真的嗎?


一本即時且重要的圖文書,帶領讀者進入自閉症女孩內心的秘密世界,引導人們發現這時常被研究和現代精神病學所忽略的一群女孩。 (Zoe)

Awards/获奖情况: As a medical comic, an educational comic, it’s really well done, imparting knowledge with ease, simple, clear, effective. Using comics for this (and make no mistake, this is, definitely, a comic), is a perfect fit, getting factual information through to many who simply either wouldn’t be able to, or more likely, wouldn’t wish to, access it through plain text... When it comes to autism, no matter how aware we think we are, there’s always more to discover. Which is just what Camouflage does very well, breaking down the subject with a clarity and simplicity, yet without sparing any factual details or the personal experiences of women with autism. I guarantee that you’ll finish Camouflage with a better understanding of an important issue. And in that sense, Camouflage is a hugely successful thing... Hopefully, this will be something that will be embraced by schools, libraries, medical practices, and should be an essential read for anyone with autism, or anyone affected by autism.
And frankly, given that we’re all on the spectrum somewhere, you will, definitely, know someone affected by autism. Isn’t it time you knew a little more? -- Richard Bruton, Comicon

Using a combination of intriguing science facts and moving personal accounts, psychologist Bargiela explains why doctors more rarely identify autism in women than in men. Beginning with the history of autism research, Bargiela shows that studies don’t focus enough on the differences between men’s and women’s brains and skills, such as women’s greater talent for ’social mimicry,’ and therefore miss the ways autism manifests in women. Bargiela ensures that the medical information is understandable, and when potentially confusing terms arise, quick and concise footnotes are provided. She includes interviews with three autistic women, in which she asked each the same four questions about her life experiences. The responses are revealing; one woman says her assumption that her romantic partners are truthful makes her vulnerable to those who want to take advantage of her. Standing’s art is subtle, enhancing the information being shared without distracting from the subject matter. The artwork is reminiscent of art deco, with distinct illustrations and a calming color palette. This informative work has insights for those familiar with or new to autism studies, and readers will feel the interviews add an important perspective. -- Publishers Weekly

A fantastic, easy-to-digest book for anyone hoping to understand how we can create a safer, more accommodating environment for women on the spectrum. -- Bonnie Gifford, Happiful

About the Author/作者介绍: Sarah Bargiela博士是一名臨床心理學家,對自閉症和性別有研究興趣。 她在英格蘭國民保健署和私人診所從事臨床工作,並獲得了倫敦大學的臨床心理學博士學位和兒童發展碩士學位,以及中央聖馬丁藝術與設計學院的平面設計和插圖文學學士學位。

Sophie Standing是倫敦的插畫家和設計師,專門研究人文科學。她的風格融合了數位插圖和手繪技巧,強調豐富的色彩,紋理和隱喻概念。她的網站是www.sophiestandingillustration.com。

Dr Sarah Bargiela is a clinical psychologist who specialises in autism. She has also been a key worker for children with autism, and holds an MA in Child Development. Sophie Standing is a London-based illustrator and designer, specialising in human sciences. Her style combines digital and hand-made, with an emphasis on rich colour, textures and metaphorical concepts.

Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE
                               Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE
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