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Category/分类:心理 亲子教育 青少年心理学
  Book ID/图书代码:06930019C00012
页数: 360 定价: 0美元 上传日期: 2019-11-15

English Summary/英文概要: This book is a must read for anyone parenting, teaching or supporting teens, who wants to empower them to reach their potential. Written by a team of clinical psychologists, it leads you through tried and tested strategies to build strong relationships and improve communication with young people as they develop, learn and grow.

In the book we learn that the ’teenage brain’ is unique which gives us an incredible opportunity for change and development, but it is also a time when young people are particularly sensitive and potentially vulnerable . It guides you through ways to communicate effectively with teens without negatively affecting their self-esteem. There are plenty of tips about what to say, what not say and the best mindset to use with teens, day to day.

The authors draw from the latest research in neuroscience and psychology, years of clinical expertise and first-hand parenting experience. It’s relatable like your best friend’s advice, and informed by scientific evidence - easy to read, hard to put down.

Chinese Summary/中文概要: 青少年兒女總是想得跟你不一樣?


本書作者們藉鑑了神經科學和心理學的最新研究,並融合了多年的臨床專業知識和第一手養育子女的經驗,就像您最好的朋友的建議一樣,而且還具有科學依據。 (Zoe)

Awards/获奖情况: 「這本書為青少年的父母提供了實用的建議。運用我們對大腦運作方式的最新研究,為如何處理青少年問題提供明智而有用的指導。它反映了我們對人際關係如何影響大腦結構的理解已有全新的革命,並就如何促進兒童和青少年的發展提出了睿智的建議,幫助孩子建立一生受用的健康大腦。」

──斯蒂芬·斯科特(Steven Scott)倫敦國王學院兒童健康與行為教授,莫茲利醫院兒童和青少年精神病學顧問

「一本令人興奮的書。它揭示了青少年思想、壓力和行為模式的複雜性,並向成年人展示如何以積極正面的方式予以回應。 並幫助孩子建立自信心、幸福和熱情。我希望我的孩子還是青少年時就已經有了這本書!」

──戴安娜·哈德森(Diana Hudson),中學老師和四個成年子女的母親,著有《教師需要知道的特殊學習困難》

This book is full of practical advice for parents of teenagers. It uses up-to-date understanding of how the brain works to give sensible, useful guides on how to handle adolescents. It reflects a new revolution in our understanding of how relationships can affect brain structure, and gives sensible advice on how to optimise children and young people’s development so they are set up with healthy brains for the rest of their lives. -- Stephen Scott CBE FRCPsych FMedSci Professor of Child Health and Behaviour, Kings’s College London, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at Maudsley Hospital

The Incredible Teenage Brain is a brilliant distillation of the best advice that we can give parents and professionals based on what we have learned about the brain and mind over the past 50 years. It is exceptionally accessible notwithstanding the extraordinary wealth of information it contains on adolescent behaviour. It is perhaps the best book for mental health professionals to recommend to families. But they also should make sure to keep a copy on their shelf. -- Professor Peter Fonagy OBE FMedSci FBA FAcSS PhD DipPsy, Head of the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences Director, Chief Executive, Anna Freud National Centre for Children & Families, National Clinical Advisor on Children’s Mental Health

An exciting book. It unravels the complexities of teenage thoughts, stresses and behaviour patterns and shows adults how to respond in a positive and uplifting way. This builds up self-belief, happiness and ambition. I wish this had been around when my children were teenagers! -- Diana Hudson, author of Specific Learning Difficulties What Teachers Need to Know, secondary school teacher and mother to four adult children

This is an insightful, inspiring and fun book that opens the lid on the often misunderstood and sometimes maligned world of the teenager. Drawing on personal experience and the authors’ work as clinicians it reveals how teenagers are affected by brain development, their expanding social world and self-concept as emerging adults. Invaluable for parents and those who work with teens. -- Prof. Tony Charman, Chair in Clinical Child Psychology, King’s College London

Such a useful and reassuring book for parents, carers and anyone working with young people. The authors dismiss the stereotype of the ’troublemaker teen’ and spell out with great clarity how we can all help our teenagers to flourish. They explain why teens are at the height of their learning potential in all areas of life and show us how, by choosing our words carefully and making shifts in our own behaviour, we can help them shine. -- Margaret Rooke, author ’You can Change the World. Everyday Teen Heroes Making a Difference Everywhere’ and ’Dyslexia is my Superpower (Most of the Time)’

About the Author/作者介绍: Bettina, Jane and Tara are clinical psychologists who have a specialist interest in neuropsychology and all based at or have worked at Great Ormond Street Hospital and University College London. All have academic backgrounds and over 20 years’ experience working with children, young people and families, and delivering training to parents and professionals.
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