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Category/分类:文学 小说类
  Book ID/图书代码:04560023C00037
页数: 320 定价: 16.99美元 上传日期: 2023-4-29

English Summary/英文概要: Bird is a woman on the run. One minute, she’s in a meeting in her office in Birmingham - the next, she’s walking out on her job, her home, her life. It’s a day she thought might come, and one she’s prepared for - but nothing could prepare her for what will happen next. As she flees north using multiple disguises, Bird has to work out who exactly is on her trail, and who - if anyone - she can trust. Like many people, she has fantasised about escape for a long time, but now it’s actually happening. Is her greatest fear that she will be hunted down, or that she will never be found?

Chinese Summary/中文概要: 伯德是一个在逃亡的女人。前一分钟,她在伯明翰的办公室里开会——下一分钟,她就离开了她的工作,她的家,她的生活。这是她认为可能到来的一天,她准备好的一天。但她无法为接下来会发生的事情做好准备。


Awards/获奖情况: ‘[E]ven better than Doughty’s brilliant runaway best-seller Apple Tree Yard ...a terrific read.’ Daily Mail

‘At the heart of this nail-bitingly tense and compelling spy novel is a lonely and haunted protagonist who stays in the mind long after the final page has turned.’ Paula Hawkins

‘Doughty is a brilliant storyteller who knows how to build suspense to breaking point.’ The Times

‘Louise Doughty leads her unnerved readers into dark territory’ Hilary Mantel

‘Doughty has a particular gift for unsettling stories, for making us ask difficult questions of ourselves, our own relationships and choices’ Observer

About the Author/作者介绍: 路易丝·道蒂(Louise Doughty)是九部小说的作者,其中包括排名第一的畅销书《苹果园罪行》,这部小说被改编成四集的电视剧,由艾米丽·沃森主演。她的第六部小说《爱或不爱》入围了柯思达小说奖(Costa Novel Award),并入围了柑橘文学奖(Orange Prize for Fiction),她还获得了包括星期日泰晤士报短篇小说奖在内的多个奖项的提名。她的第一部原创电视剧本《交火碎梦》于2022年9月在BBC一台播出,由姬莉·霍斯主演。她的作品已被译成三十种语言。费伯出版社于2023年出版她的第十部小说《冬鸟》。

Louise Doughty is the author of nine novels, including the soon-to-be-published Platform Seven. She has also written one work of non-fiction and five plays for radio. Her most recent book, Black Water, is out now from Faber & Faber UK and Farrar Straus & Giroux in the US, where it was nominated as one of the New York Times Book Review Top 100 Notable Books of 2016.

Her previous book was the number one bestseller Apple Tree Yard. First published in 2013, it has sold over half a million copies in the UK alone and has been translated in thirty territories worldwide. A four-part TV adaptation with Emily Watson in the lead role was broadcast on Sunday nights on BBC1 in January 2017.

Doughty’s sixth novel, Whatever You Love, was shortlisted for the Costa Novel Award and longlisted for the Orange Prize for Fiction. She has also won awards for radio drama and short stories, along with publishing one work of non-fiction, A Novel in a Year, based on her popular newspaper column. She is a critic and cultural commentator for UK and international newspapers and broadcasts regularly for the BBC and has been the judge for many prizes and awards including the Man Booker Prize and the Costa Novel Award. She lives in London.

Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE
                               Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE
Sales in other countries/其他国家销售情况:Rights sold: Germany (under offer), Italy (Bollati Boringhiere)
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