English Summary/英文概要: Maddy Harvey was a bit of an ugly duckling as a teenager, what with her NHS specs, unfortunate hair and wonky teeth. Thankfully she’s blossomed since then. But when she meets Kerr McKinnon one starry summer’s night and discovers, days later, who he actually is... well, that’s when the problems really start. Because everyone in Ashcombe knows what happened eleven years ago, and as far as her mother’s concerned, Marcella would rather tear that family to pieces with her bare hands than see Maddy associate with a McKinnon. It’s Romeo and Juliet all over again. Quick, hide those sharp knives and that little bottle of poison...
Chinese Summary/中文概要: 泰晤士報暢銷榜首作者之系列都會小說
需要她。難道這是現代羅密歐和茱麗葉的故事嗎?快,快將匕首和毒藥藏起來….(ZH & VL & SK)
Awards/获奖情况: 總作品銷量超過四百萬冊、亞馬遜 平均四顆星以上