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页数: 240 到书日期: 2004-5-8 上传日期: 2004-6-1


英文简介: Use these powerful crystals for healing and insight in your life. There are 2 beautiful stones for each major life theme - love, prosperity, personal growth and health. Choose a theme, cast the 2 crystals onto the wheel for that theme, and let the energies of the stones interact with the inspiring symbols and keywords.
The wisdom of the crystals will reveal underlying issues, offer positive affirmations and supporting visualizations, and suggest ways to overcome the challenges you may face. Whatever your situation, POWER CRYSTALS will help you discover a new dimension for self-development.

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页数: 104 到书日期: 2004-5-8 上传日期: 2004-6-1


英文简介: In China, the professional soothsayer is held in great reverence and the modern game of Mah Jongg is actually a direct descendant of an ancient Chinese oracle that was consulted thousands of years ago. This pack contains a deck of specially created Mah Jongg fortune-telling cards and a guidebook which describes the symbolism of each card and shows how to use the deck. The aim of the author has been to present the signs and symbols of the original oracle in a more accessible way but without losing any of the beauty or mystery of the original. The advice you seek from the mah Jongg today is as relevant to you now as it was to the Chinese seekers of wisdom all those years ago.
Complete rules for playing the game of Mah Jongg are also included.

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页数: 245 到书日期: 2004-4-27 上传日期: 2004-5-8


英文简介: The first and only complete guide to tarot interpretation written specifically for teens. *Provides comprehensive interpretations of each card plus instructions on how to use the cards, care for a tarot deck, and read the oracle for oneself and others. *Contains spreads, exercises, and at-a-glance card summaries. *Includes language and life examples geared specifically to the needs and concerns of teens. *Written by the coauthor of Love Planets (50,000 copies sold) and the author of The Everything Tarot Book and Teen Astrology (10,000 copies sold).
The ancient art of reading tarot cards is a universally popular method of interpreting what’s happening in one’s life and finding answers to critical personal issues. Tarot for Teens uses examples common to the teen experience to teach how to interpret the cards and apply the oracle to life’s timeless themes and challenges: the quest for love, issues of work and career, and the search for spiritual insight and personal growth.
The author offers comprehensive explanations of each card that can be applied to any tarot deck and provides a wide range of sample spreads and exercises. She also explores the tremendous variety of tarot decks available today. Tarot for Teens is filled with possibilities and connections-astrological correspondences, numerological references, mythological explanations, interpretations for cards in both "upright" and "reversed" positions, and practical advice for doing readings-to maximize the fun, potency, and teachings of the tarot.

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页数: 128 到书日期: 1900-1-1 上传日期: 2004-4-21

中文概要: 这是一套占星学的书。书中介绍了黄道十二宫,每一宫相对应的含义,内在动机和行为特点,尤其是属于每一宫的人们的不同情感需求,学习模式和处理人际关系样式。了解了自己的类型,你就可以更好地调节自己感情,提高学习效率,改进人际关系,就可以生活得更好。书中还有不少名人的生日表和生活轶事。

英文简介: Synopsis
Spontaneously generous, dramatic and proud, you are a born performer. You are aware that you have a part to play in the glorious grand plan of life and you strive not only to know it but also to be worthy of it. Big-hearted Leos deserve all the applause they receive - and more. Discover the reasons why in The Leo Enigma. Your Moon Sign complements your Leo Sun and offers the key to understanding, appreciating and acting out nobly the emotions that fill you. You don’t care to complain or explain - you just want to express yourself. Use the gifts of your Mercury Sign to give your communications maximum impact. A fitting companion is essential for your happiness. Your Venus Sign shows you who, and what, gives you optimal pleasure. Other Leos serve to light your way. Learn from anecdotes of over 100 famous Leos, including Napoleon, C.G. Jung, Mae West, Bill Clinton and Madonna. Written with intelligence, humour and compassion, The Leo Enigma uses quality astrology to reveal and decode the unique ’DNA fingerprinting’ of the personality. It provides an insightful guided tour through the complex inner life of Leos that goes far beyond the Sun Sign. Also included are tables for finding you

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 

页数: 188 到书日期: 2004-4-13 上传日期: 2004-4-20


英文简介: The Astro-guide that no worker should be without!
At last! A no-nonsense astrology book that explains why all bosses are such complete and utter bastards. Learn why Cancerian bosses never mean what they say, and why Capricorn bosses will never invite you round for dinner. Discover why Scorpio bosses all think you want their jobs, and why working for a Sagittarius can result in falling out of a helicopter into a pile of manure. Find out why Aquarius bosses all want to save the world (so long as it doesn’t cost them any money), and why Pisces bosses are contradictions in terms.
Ever wondered why your boss ignores all your ideas? Maybe he’s a Taurus and can’t stand anything new. Maybe he’s a Virgo and too busy compiling the week’s to-do lists. Or maybe he’s a Gemini and never shows up to work in the first place.
Bosstrology is a tax-deductible reference tool that should be in every office, shop, farm, orchard, or construction site.
Essential reading for disgruntled employees!

  版权销售情况:  简体中文:   繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 
代理商:大苹果 Feng Shui for the Classroom

页数: 到书日期: 2004-2-18 上传日期:

中文概要: 书中将现代学习环境与中国古代风水学融合在一起,并提供小贴士教大家如何处理周遭的实物因素,营造出可以激励师生、激发大家灵感的良好环境。

英文简介: Feng Shui for the Classroom combines the timeless subject of teaching with the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui for a guid to creating a modern learning environment. Let’s face it: These days many factors compete for children’s attention - even in the classroom. Teachers struggle to focus their students and limit distractions. This hip, contemporary book provides plenty of tips for manipulating the physical elements of a classroom, creating an atmosphere that will motivate, inspire, support, comfort, and encourage teachers and students alike. Some examples, "A teacher’s desk should always face the classroom door. Not only will this allow you to keep a watchful eye out for tardiness, but the chi (energy) that flows between you and your class will encourage academic strength." "The more natural light in a classroom the better. Its chi is energizing and uplifting and can inspire students to reach new heights ... Increase light levels with bright pictures, metal frames, mirrors, glass, and crystals. Refrain from turning on overhead lights unless you absolutely need them." Each simple suggestion in Feng Shui for the Classroom brings teachers one step closer to achieving a comforting, effective classroom.

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