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页数: 320 到书日期: 2005-11-17 上传日期: 2005-12-7

中文概要: “他们打我,”炮兵军官低声说,“我的牙齿被打碎,用电电击我。他们想让我承认一件我从未做过的事。 斯文·哈塞尔(Sven Hassel)和他的战友们正在芬兰前线作战,面临着他们所知的最残酷的北极冬季。 但如果他们幸存下来,他们将被送往托高监狱——希特勒刑罚体系的中心——在那里,逃兵、罪犯和任何表现出反纳粹情绪的人都将被监禁和惩罚。 这可能意味着逮捕、军事法庭和处决。也可能意味着酷刑和饥饿。 《军事法庭》是斯文·哈塞尔最黑暗的小说,也是对纳粹政权残酷强加于本国人民的深入洞察。(Sandy)

英文简介: It’s war on the Finnish front for Porta, Tiny, Barcelona, and The Legionnaire—and it’s hellish, with ice, blood, cold, and wolves in addition to the enemy. It barely matters who wins, as long as you survive. But even survival can be dangerous in an army where the Fuhrer’s fanatics are rife. To endure the Russian tanks, the machine guns, and the flame-throwers could mean shipment to the infamous and brutal Torgau Prison where conditions are almost more savage than the battlefield. To stay alive through the fighting might mean arrest, court martial, and—in the end—a cold grey day facing the execution squad.

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 

页数: 367 到书日期: 2006-7-4 上传日期: 2005-11-5


英文简介: Tensions between Siberia and Moscow are running high, but the sudden disappearance of leading top-tier Siberian politicians and oil executives, sparks open outrage in the vast lands, east of the Ural. Terrified that Siberia will sever their ties and deprive Russia of its most important oil source, Moscow turns to a new supplier in the South Atlantic: the Falkland Islands. In an undercover mission, they persuade Argentina to invade the islands again. In return for oil rights, Moscow’s hunter-killer submarine, Viper 157, will take out the British aircraft carrier arriving to recapture the islands, leaving Argentina free to claim the ’malvinas.’ The United States are furious at this act of international piracy - and the fact that their largest oil giant owns the very same oil rights. Under the stern eye of Admiral Morgan, the navy Seals bring in the legendary Commander, Rick Hunter. Their mission: to hammer Argentina’s military and free the Falklands. For the fabled Hunter, the assignment has struck close to home. His English brother-in-law and an SAS special forces team are trapped on East Falkland, on the run from an Argentinean shoot-to-kill man-hunt, out of contact...

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 

页数: 288 到书日期: 1900-1-1 上传日期: 2005-7-4


英文简介: "Quang X. Pham’s memoir on parallel tracks-his life, and his family’s, in Vietnam and then America-is a story of hardship, separation, and loss, but ultimately also of courage, loyalty, patriotism and achievement, an inspiring human story movingly told." --Lewis Sorley, Author of "A Better War: The Unexamined Victories and Final Tragedy of America’s Last Years in Vietnam" "A Sense of Duty is a poignant story of two distant wars, service by father to South Vietnam and Marine son to the United States in the Persian Gulf, but ultimately it is a son’s tribute to his father and a way of saying "thank you" to all in his father’s generation who served honorably to defend freedom and whose story has yet to be told." --Larry Berman, author of No Peace, No Honor: Nixon, Kissinger and Betrayal in Vietnam In his singular memoir, Quang X. Pham examines a forgotten, unexplored tract of that purgatory of the American Dream known as Vietnam. His surprising account of family and war, sacrifice and redemption is essential for anyone who would seek to understand the legacy of that lost conflict and the generation-spanning turmoil to come in Iraq. Congratulations on a fine book.

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 
代理商:大苹果 GROENE VRIJDAG (Green Friday)

页数: 283 到书日期: 2005-5-13 上传日期: 2005-7-4


英文简介: In Groene vrijdag (Amerikaanse uitdrukking voor vrijdagse betaaldag en de kleur van de dollarbiljetten) vindt Winston Malone dat het tijd is om de zaken anders aan te pakken. Hij woont met zijn vrouw Cordelia in een bouwvallig appartement op Staten Island, New York, hij is nauwelijks tevreden met zijn werk bij een geldkantoor en nog minder met zijn salaris. Als hij in de problemen komt met de afbetaling van de driezitsbank die hij voor zijn vrouw heeft gekocht, besluit Winston de laatste wijze woorden van zijn overleden vader in de praktijk te brengen. Zo raakt Winston verzeild in netelige situaties en in een louche circuit dat bevolkt wordt door een kleurige cast: een in wapens handelende ijscoman; zijn lijfwacht, een dwerg met een rekenprobleem en een verleden in All Star Wrestling; een ex-bajesklant met een obsessie voor een gefrustreerde soapster en de echtgenote van de soapster, een puissant rijke aanbidster van Jerry Springer met een groot geloof in relatiebemiddelingsbureaus. En dan is er ook nog twee miljoen dollar waar iedereen recht op meent te hebben.
Groene Vrijdag wordt verfilmd. De Belgische producent Roses are Blue heeft de filmrechten verworven. De film zal in New York worden opgenomen en in het Engels worden gedraaid.

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 

页数: 288 到书日期: 2005-6-13 上传日期: 2005-6-11


英文简介: When a violent ambush claims the lives of three Americans, including his own uncle, John Howard Star, a Vietnam veteran whose family has worked their ranch on the West Texas border for generations, launches a one-man war against a Colombian drug cartel commander, an ex-Special Forces hitman, and their deadly army.

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 

页数: 368 到书日期: 2005-4-18 上传日期: 2005-6-6


英文简介: Ian Woodward, one of the firefighter heroes of the 9/11 terrorist attack, lost the use of his legs on that horrific day. But when Ian starts teaching at the Hidden Cove Fire Academy, he finds meaning in his life again. But he vows never to accept the love of beautiful Broadway star Lisel Loring—until a deluded fan starts stalking her. Disgraced cop, Rick Ruscio becomes her bodyguard, but it’s his community service at a local preschool, where he meets teacher Faith McPherson, that completely turns his life upside down. Both men must deal with their issues and accept the strong women who love them.

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 

页数: 171 到书日期: 2003-11-17 上传日期: 2005-2-5

中文概要: 1939年8月,一位才华横溢、享有特权的27岁美国民族学家在巴西研究亚马逊盆地的部落时,在巴西神秘自杀。他留下了七封信,陈述了他自杀的不同动机:对一些人来说,他感染了一种可怕的疾病;他对其他人说,他无法从妻子对自己兄弟的背叛中恢复过来。(但他没有结婚,也没有兄弟)半个世纪后,叙述者被这个无法解释的谜团和零碎的证据所吸引,开始寻找真相。他很快就被一个想法迷住了,那就是死者一定留下了第八封信。这部杰出的小说在事实与虚构、现实与幻想、想象与记忆之间穿梭,描绘了叙述者日益个人化的探索,以发现这位年轻人类学家的真实命运。在读者的注视下,他的寻找慢慢地把他逼疯了,一个被自己库尔茨的命运所困扰的马洛....


英文简介: Na noite de 2 de agosto de 1939, um jovem e promissor antropólogo americano, Buell Quain, se matou, aos 27 anos, de forma violenta, enquanto tentava voltar para a civilização, vindo de uma aldeia indígena no interior do Brasil. O caso se tornou um tabu para a antropologia brasileira, foi logo esquecido e permaneceu em grande parte desconhecido do público.
Sessenta e dois anos depois, ao tomar conhecimento da história por acaso, num artigo de jornal, o narrador deste livro é levado a investigar de maneira obsessiva e inexplicada as razões do suicídio do antropólogo. Em sua busca obstinada pelas cartas do morto ou pelo testamento de um engenheiro que ficara amigo do antropólogo nos seus últimos meses de vida, o narrador é guiado por razões pessoais que não serão reveladas até o final do romance, mas que dizem respeito à sua experiência de criança na selva, à história e à morte de seu próprio pai. Nove noites narra a descida ao coração das trevas empreendida pelo jovem expoente da antropologia americana, colega de Lévi-Strauss e aluno dileto de Ruth Benedict, às vésperas da Segunda Guerra. A história é contada em dois tempos, na tribo dos índios krahô (interior do sertão brasileiro) e na combinação progressiva entre a busca pelo testamento do engenheiro e a pesquisa que o narrador vai fazendo em arquivos, atrás das cartas do antropólogo e dos que o conheceram na época. Para escrever o livro, Bernardo Carvalho travou contato com os Krahô, no Estado do Tocantins, e foi aos Estados Unidos em busca de documentos e pessoas que pudessem saber algo sobre o antropólogo.
A história de Buell Quain revela as contradições e os desejos de um homem sozinho numa terra estranha, confrontado com os seus próprios limites e com a alteridade mais absoluta, numa narrativa que faz referências aos romances de Joseph Conrad e aos relatos do escritor inglês Bruce Chatwin.

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 

页数: 288 到书日期: 1900-1-1 上传日期: 2004-12-14


英文简介: Sometimes, victory comes down to just one man...and in the days before the second Gulf War, that man is Chemical Ali - the notorious head of Saddam Hussein’s chemical and biological weapons programme. For this high-risk assignment, seven combined special operations teams are being organised under hardened veteran Colonel Neil Washburn. Leading Alpha team is former Delta Force commando Captain Logan Warner. Solid intelligence places Chemical Ali at his headquarters outside Karbala, and Warner and his squad go in, narrowly avoiding disaster behind enemy lines. But when they infiltrate Ali’s mansion, they find their quarry already gone - and the Republican Guard surrounding them. With no options left, Alpha team must fight a running battle behind Iraqi lines in a desperate hunt for the mass-murdering Ali, while dodging a ruthless enemy determined to capture them - or kill them without mercy.

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 

页数: 636 到书日期: 2004-11-15 上传日期: 2004-11-19

中文概要: 傑夫•沙拉的作品曾以美國內戰和獨立戰爭時期為歷史背景,他的《紐約時報》暢銷小說曾吸引了無數讀者。現在這位著名的作家將目光投向了一戰,生動全面地再現了,美國作為世界大國,在一戰對當時那一代人所造成的傷害的一部動人的歷史故事。
年春天:歐洲的西線戰事正陷於可怕的拉鋸之中,法國和英國共同位於鐵絲網的一側,殘暴的德軍位於戰線的另一側。沙拉向我們展示了這場空前絕後的戰爭場面,就像他通過一位普通英國士兵的親身經歷來敘述這場奇異可怕的世界大戰— 一位名叫"湯米"的無辜青年被迫置身于這場如同煉獄般的可怕戰事之中。
從美國一戰上將約翰•潘興到激戰的飛行員,從譽為紅男爵的王牌德國飛行員曼弗雷德•馮•裡希特霍芬到拉菲特飛行小隊的美國飛行員。《To the Last Man》用生動、準確的筆觸折射出沙拉的敘述功力。這部引人入勝的全新小說將帶領讀者 — 以沙拉獨有的方式 — 領略到人類歷史上這場最為壯觀的戰爭場面,並得以直面這些對世界造成最終影響的歷史人物。(Sandy)

英文简介: Jeff Shaara has enthralled readers with his New York Times bestselling novels set during the Civil War and the American Revolution. Now the acclaimed author turns to World War I, bringing to life the sweeping, emotional story of the war that devastated a generation and established America as a world power.
Spring 1916: the horror of a stalemate on Europe’s western front. France and Great Britain are on one side of the barbed wire, a fierce German army is on the other. Shaara opens the window onto the otherworldly tableau of trench warfare as seen through the eyes of a typical British soldier who experiences the bizarre and the horrible–a “Tommy” whose innocent youth is cast into the hell of a terrifying war.
In the skies, meanwhile, technology has provided a devastating new tool, the aeroplane, and with it a different kind of hero emerges–the flying ace. Soaring high above the chaos on the ground, these solitary knights duel in the splendor and terror of the skies, their courage and steel tested with every flight.
As the conflict stretches into its third year, a neutral America is goaded into war, its reluctant president, Woodrow Wilson, finally accepting the repeated challenges to his stance of nonalignment. Yet the Americans are woefully unprepared and ill equipped to enter a war that has become worldwide in scope. The responsibility is placed on the shoulders of General John “Blackjack” Pershing, and by mid-1917 the first wave of the American Expeditionary Force arrives in Europe. Encouraged by the bold spirit and strength of the untested Americans, the world waits to see if the tide of war can finally be turned.
From Blackjack Pershing to the Marine in the trenches, from the Red Baron to the American pilots of the Lafayette Escadrille, To the Last Man is written with the moving vividness and accuracy that characterizes all of Shaara’s work. This spellbinding new novel carries readers–the way only Shaara can–to the heart of one of the greatest conflicts in human history, and puts them face-to-face with the characters who made a lasting impact on the world.

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 
代理商:大苹果 SCIMITAR SL-2

页数: 375 到书日期: 2004-8-16 上传日期: 2004-8-26


英文简介: The world’s most renowned volcanologist mysteriously disappears after a lecture on geophysical catastrophes. Two policemen are found brutally executed on the steps of London’s nearby Albert Hall. Then, Mount St Helen’s suddenly and inexplicably erupts in Washington State, leaving a wake of death and destruction. The new, liberal administration in the White House ignores these apparent coincidences, but the retired Admiral Morgan, former National Security Adviser to the President, and Lt. Jimmy Ramshawe are shocked into action. Only a missile, launched from a nuclear submarine, could have had the power to blow up the volcano. Is this the fabled HAMAS terrorist, Major Ray Kerman, at work again? Their suspicions are quickly confirmed by a HAMAS ultimatum: Total military evacuation of the Middle East or the terrible threat of a mega-tsunami - the greatest tidal wave in 4000 years of world history. Both men know immediately what that means: the volcano Cumbre Vieja, glowering over the island La Palma in the Canaries. A nuclear missile, such as Kerman’s brand-new, state-of-the-art Scimitar SL-2, launched straight at the heart of the volcano would explode the mountain into the Atlantic ocean and send a tidal wave towards the East Coast of the United States, at 400 miles an hour, with waves 150 feet high. Resolutely, the Pentagon refuses to buckle and Admiral Morgan is swept back into the White House to implement Operation High Tide - a desperate race to evacuate the East Coast and locate the nuclear submarine before it launches its deadly weapon.

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 
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