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页数: 0 到书日期: 1900-1-1 上传日期: 2024-3-1



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页数: 0 到书日期: 1900-1-1 上传日期: 2024-3-1



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代理商:大苹果 ROSY

页数: 168 到书日期: 1900-1-1 上传日期: 2024-2-28


英文简介: In the early afternoon of January 8, 2007, Rosa Bazzi and Olindo Romano leave Erba in the backseat of a Carabinieri car. They think the police agents are saving them from the journalists who had been besieging their house since dawn. They don’t know it yet, but in less than an hour they will find themselves in Como’s jail, where they will begin a prison sentence that later will be turned in a life sentence for the quadruple murder known as "Erba massacre". Alessandra Carati meets her in Milan’s Bollate Penitentiary in 2019 for an interview, in which she participates as an auditor. At the end of that session, Rosa Bazzi approaches her and unexpectedly asks her to write a book about her. The author visits her every week over the following months; their sessions are long, lasting for hours. “I vent when I’m with you, like with a priest,” she tells her one day. Carati accompanies that position, exclusive and extremely up close, with a painstaking examination of all the material available on the Erba massacre: interrogations, wiretapping transcripts, photos and evidence from the crime scene, reports from experts and crime scene investigators, proceedings from the first- and second-degree trials, verdicts, reports from prison, consultations, confessions, videos, the appeal request, first-hand accounts from neighbors and people who knew them. But all that material represents the hidden mass of the iceberg: the key to unlock Rosa Bazzi lies instead in the gaze of the person who had a deep relationship with her over these past seventeen years. From here, the novel continues through blind spots, going back and forth in time: a cognitive impairment, a neglected childhood, working as a “little servant girl” in Erba since the age of eleven, an alleged sexual assault when she was still very young, her codependency on her husband Olindo, his devotion to her, her impatience with him, their sexuality, the solitary confinement with visual surveillance that lasted for three years, getting used to prison, an unquenchable vitality. A multitude of perspectives: the cacophonous and assertive take of the media, the reserved gaze of the psychologist, the views of the attorneys and the chaplain, the letters written by Olindo and even by Carati herself. With all these angles, the novel’s focus shifts, and the reader becomes progressively disoriented: when was Rosy’s image detached from her flesh to bring to life Rosa Bazzi, the monster? A doubt immediately comes to the surface: where did our opinion take shape? Under what conditions? And by what right?

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页数: 372 到书日期: 2023-12-28 上传日期: 2023-12-28


英文简介: It is December 2399. Civilization long since collapsed - the legacy of an inescapable disease. The people, happily living in their global rural utopia known as Goah’s Gift, are oblivious to their fragility. Then Edda, a sixteen year-old teacher (juf) from Geldershire, meets an alien deep in her dreams she attains the power of a bizarre technology called Dreamtech. She embarks on a quest to save the dying human world. But at what cost?

In December 2515, Ximena, an ambitious PhD student from Handean ancestry, enrolls in the Global History Program that was set up to bridge the Cold "Misinformation" War still dividing the planet. While studying Edda’s life story, shocking information reveals itself. Ximena is forceds to make a decision, and sacrifice the life she has for an insecure future.

In The Power of Dreamtech a bit of teenage attitude—pumped up by the power of Dreamtech— is all it takes to blow human history out of the water. Fastpaced and intricately plotted, this exciting dual timeline trilogy offers a mind bending, multi-layered science fiction experience that is impossible to put down.

Key Selling Points and Praise

• Fast paced dual timeline SciFi trilogy with a diverse, YA cast and powerful message
• Offbeat setting with Dutch couleur locale
• Extremely well-received in the online indie Sci-Fi
circuit, winning multiple prizes and distinctions
• Well suited for film
• Rave readers reviews
• "If you are looking for an exciting, detailed, intricately woven science fiction novel, look no further" -BookTrib (favorite book list 2021)
• "An action movie on the page" - Reader Views

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 

页数: 412 到书日期: 2023-12-28 上传日期: 2023-12-28


英文简介: At the end of history, they arrived—in her dreams.

A spectacular blasphemy has been unleashed upon the world.

And the world is now turning her gaze.

And her Fist.

All while secretive aliens, hidden behind the barrier of dreams, meddle with whispers of hope.

All while Edda van Dolah plunges in the darkest depths of the Path of the Mind-Walkers in a desperate attempt to save her father from the ritual death known as the Joyousday.

All while Aline Speese makes a discovery that could shake awake human civilization from a centuries-old coma.

Join Ximena Epullan and her fellow students in this new episode of Professor Miyagi’s Seminar on The Rise and Fall of the Juf.

Join now, and witness humanity’s first hesitant steps into The Second Wake.

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 

页数: 0 到书日期: 2023-12-28 上传日期: 2023-12-28


英文简介: At the end of history, they arrived—in her dreams.

A girl has made a secret pact with an alien—an alliance that seeks to jolt the precarious balance of long-term human decline. Then both the girl and the alien know this simple truth:

Something has to change. Or extinction awaits around the next corner of history.

But the worlds resist change. Savagely. On Earth, the Head of Goah is clenching its Fist. And Lunteren is in its clutch. On Nubaria, hard questions are being asked. And no answers can be given.

In space, the remnants of the golden age of humankind are whispering back. And shoving death towards a planet deafened by dogma.

Join Ximena Epullan and her fellow students in this new episode of Professor Miyagi’s Seminar on The Rise and Fall of the Juf.

Join now, and witness humanity’s first hesitant steps wielding the power of Dreamtech.

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 

页数: 0 到书日期: 2023-12-20 上传日期: 2023-12-20


英文简介: Celebrating 20 years of Cloud Atlas, this edition includes sprayed edges, illustrated endpapers, a foreword by Gabrielle Zevin and a new afterword by the author.

How vulgar, this hankering after immortality, how vain, how false.

Souls cross ages like clouds cross skies…

Six interlocking lives – one amazing adventure. In a narrative that circles the globe and reaches from the 19th century to a post-apocalyptic future, Cloud Atlas erases the boundaries of time, genre and language to offer an enthralling vision of humanity’s will to power, and where it will lead us.

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权已售出    繁体中文:

页数: 432 到书日期: 1900-1-1 上传日期: 2023-12-18

中文概要: Indie Next和LibraryReads“名人堂”精选!



“令人惊叹的是,这本书文字丰茂,古老的建筑引人入胜,浪漫炙手可热。我完全被这个故事迷住了,这个故事讲的是危险的人彼此相爱,永不后悔。”——凯特•塞巴斯蒂安,《吉特•韦伯的奇妙原理》的作者,LitHub、Book Riot、亚马逊、Powell’s和Popsugar精选










英文简介: An Indie Next and LibraryReads "Hall of Fame" Pick!

A Power Unbound is the final entry in Freya Marske’s beloved, award-winning Last Binding trilogy, the queer historical fantasy series that began with A Marvellous Light.

"Messy people and burn-it-down conflict. . . . Marske uses the full span of the trilogy to build to a beautiful, devastating conclusion."―The New York Times

"Stunning―the writing is lush, the world-building is fascinating, and the romance is searing hot. I am completely obsessed with this story of unrepentantly dangerous people falling in love with one another."―Cat Sebastian, author of The Queer Principles of Kit Webb

A Best Of Pick for LitHub, Book Riot, Amazon, Powell’s, and PopSugar

Secrets! Magic! Enemies to. . .something more?

Jack Alston, Lord Hawthorn, would love a nice, safe, comfortable life. After the death of his twin sister, he thought he was done with magic for good. But with the threat of a dangerous ritual hanging over every magician in Britain, he’s drawn reluctantly back into that world.

Now Jack is living in a bizarre puzzle-box of a magical London townhouse, helping an unlikely group of friends track down the final piece of the Last Contract before their enemies can do the same. And to make matters worse, they need the help of writer and thief Alan Ross.

Cagey and argumentative, Alan is only in this for the money. The aristocratic Lord Hawthorn, with all his unearned power, is everything that Alan hates. And unfortunately, Alan happens to be everything that Jack wants in one gorgeous, infuriating package.

When a plot to seize unimaginable power comes to a head at Cheetham Hall―Jack’s ancestral family estate, a land so old and bound in oaths that it’s grown a personality as prickly as its owner―Jack, Alan and their allies will become entangled in a night of champagne, secrets, and bloody sacrifice . . . and the foundations of magic in Britain will be torn up by the roots before the end.

The Last Binding Trilogy:

A Marvellous Light

A Restless Truth

A Power Unbound

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 

页数: 224 到书日期: 2023-12-17 上传日期: 2023-12-18


英文简介: A brilliant investigation into the motivations and methods behind the actions of Hogwarts’s renowned Headmaster!

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, is one of the most recognizable and mysterious figures in the Harry Potter series. As an unscrupulous beetle-like journalist once said, he’s "a biographer’s dream." Is he omniscient or limited? Is he benevolent or malevolent? What really drove him in the last years of an extraordinary life?

Dumbledore dives between the lines of the Harry Potter books to create a portrait of the controversial Headmaster. We find Dumbledore’s hand in every seeming coincidence, and consider the impossible decisions he had to make. This in-depth examination from author Irvin Khaytman casts the events of the Harry Potter series in a whole new light, resolving fans’ questions that linger to this day.

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 

页数: 416 到书日期: 1900-1-1 上传日期: 2023-12-18

中文概要: 这是一部聪明而迷人的处女作,重新想象了《傲慢与偏见》,故事发生在当代唐人街,探讨了阶级分化、家庭关系、文化认同以及恋爱带来的快乐和挫折等当代问题。




英文简介: A whip-smart and charming debut novel that brilliantly reimagines Pride and Prejudice, set in contemporary Chinatown, exploring contemporary issues of class divides, family ties, cultural identity, and the pleasures and frustrations that come with falling in love.

When Elizabeth Chen’s ever-hustling realtor mother finally sells the beloved if derelict community center down the block, the new owners don’t look like typical New York City buyers. Brendan Lee and Darcy Wong are good Chinese boys with Hong Kong money. Clean-cut and charismatic, they say they are committed to cleaning up the neighborhood. To Elizabeth, that only means one thing: Darcy is looking to give the center an uptown makeover.

Elizabeth is determined to fight for community over profit, even if it means confronting the arrogant, uptight man every chance she gets. But where clever, cynical Elizabeth sees lemons, her mother sees lemonade. Eager to get Elizabeth and her other four daughters ahead in the world (and out of their crammed family apartment), Mrs. Chen takes every opportunity to keep her investors close. Closer than Elizabeth likes.

The more time they spend together, the more conflicted Elizabeth feels…until a shocking betrayal forces her to reconsider everything she thought she knew about love, trust, and the kind of person Darcy Wong really is.

  版权销售情况:  简体中文: 简体版权未售    繁体中文: 繁体版权未售 
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