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    上传日期:2005-1-12 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 10720005B00317

    English Summary/英文概要: Long hailed as the grand master of adventure fiction, Clive Cussler has continued to astound with the intricate plotting and astonishing set pieces of his novels. Now, with a surprising twist, he gives us his most audacious work yet.

    In the final pages of Valhalla Rising, Dirk Pitt discovered, to his shock, that he had two grown children he had never known-twenty-three-year-old fraternal twins born to a woman he thought had died in an underwater earthquake. Both have inherited his love of the sea: the girl, Summer, is a marine biologist; the boy, himself named Dirk, is a marine engineer. And now they are about to help their father in the adventure of a lifetime.

    There is a brown tide infesting the ocean off the shore of Nicaragua. The twins are working in a NUMA(r) underwater enclosure, trying to determine its origin, when two startling things happen: Summer discovers an artifact, something strange and beautiful and ancient; and the worst storm in years boils up out of the sky, heading straight not only for them but also for a luxurious floating resort hotel square in its path.

    The peril for everybody concerned is incalculable, and, desperately, Pitt, Al Giordino, and the rest of the NUMA(r) crew rush to the rescue, but what they find in the storm’s wake makes the furies of nature pale in comparison. For there is an all-too-human evil at work in that part of the world, and the brown tide is only a by-product of its plan. Soon, its work will be complete-and the world will be a very different place.

    Though if Summer’s discovery is to be believed, the world is already a very different place...

    Filled with breathtaking action and suspense, Trojan Odyssey is Cussler at the height of his storytelling powers.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 本书是《瓦尔哈拉殿堂的复活》的续篇,在《瓦尔哈拉殿堂的复活》的结尾,德克•皮特震惊地发现,他居然有两个他以前毫不知晓的已经长大成人的23岁的双胞胎孩子。他们的母亲在一次海底地震中遇难了。两个孩子都继承了他热爱海洋的性格,其中的女孩莎玛是一位海洋生物学家;而那位同他一样名叫德克的男孩,则是一位船舶机械工程师。现在他们正与他们的父亲一起投身冒险生涯。在尼加拉瓜的海岸外,有一股棕色的海藻潮正在蔓延。就在双胞胎姐弟努力想要弄清这股潮汐的源头时,发生了两件令人吃惊的事:一是莎玛发现了一种源自远古的既陌生又美丽的人造物品,二是他们发现了一个被大风暴摧毁的豪华水上娱乐场。在他们的引领下,皮特、乔蒂诺等人循迹追踪下去,投入了紧张的抢险当中,然而比起大自然复仇女神更可怕的,却是那居心叵测的人祸......


    About the Author/作者介绍: 克莱夫·卡斯勒(Clive Cussler),美国当代首届一指的惊险小说大师,美国惊险小说协会(American action adventure novel)主席。写过29本书,作品被翻译成40种文字,引进到100多个国家,销量超过1.25亿本。全球热映大片《撒哈拉奇兵》、《打捞泰坦尼克号》等均改编自他的小说。他本人也是一位海洋探险家,正是《倒转地极》一书中的国家水下暨海洋机构(NUMA)特别行动队的领导者。

    Clive Cussler is the author or coauthor of twenty-four other books, including the Dirk Pitt(r) adventure Valhalla Rising, the Kurt Austin novel White Death, the nonfiction The Sea Hunters II, and the new paperback original The Golden Buddha.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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