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    定价:23.95 美元
    上传日期:2005-8-9 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 01240005B00463

    English Summary/英文概要: In the national bestseller Sleep Demons, Bill Hayes took us on a trailblazing trip through the night country of insomnia. Now he is our guide on a whirlwind journey through history, literature, mythology, and science by means of the great red river that runs five quarts strong through our bodies.
    Profusely illustrated, the journey stretches from ancient Rome, where gladiators drank the blood of vanquished foes to gain strength and courage, to modern-day laboratories, where high-tech machines test blood for diseases and dedicated scientists search for elusive cures. Along the way, there will be world-changing triumphs: William Harvey’s discovery of the circulation of the blood; Antoni van Leeuwenhoek’s advances in making the invisible world visible in the early days of the microscope; Dr. Paul Ehrlich’s Nobel-Prize-winning work in immunology; Dr. Jay Levy’s codiscovery of the virus that causes AIDS. Yet there will also be ignorance and tragedy: the widespread practice of bloodletting via incision and the use of leeches, which harmed more than it healed; the introduction of hemophilia into the genetic pool of nineteenth-century European royalty thanks to the dynastic ambitions of Queen Victoria; the alleged spread of contaminated blood through a phlebotomist’s negligence in modern-day California.
    This is also a personal voyage, in which Hayes recounts the impact of the vital fluid in his daily life, from growing up in a household of five sisters and their monthly cycles, to coming out as a gay man during the explosive early days of the AIDS epidemic in San Francisco, to his enduring partnership with an HIV-positive man.
    As much a biography of blood as it is a memoir of how this rich substance has shaped one man’s life, Five Quarts is by turns whimsical and provocative, informative and moving. It will get under your skin.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: “ 我们出生在血泊中。我们的家族史就是用鲜血抒写的,我们的身体就是靠它来提供每日所需的营养。每个人体内流淌着五夸脱的血液,再加上六万多英里长的动脉、静脉和毛细管。” 在全国畅销书〈睡眠之魔〉中,Bill Hayes带我们踏上了开拓之旅,感受了失眠者的一夜夜难眠、守望星空的尴尬。现在他要带领读者经历一场惊心动魄的旅行,透过那汩汩澎湃的、流动在体内的五夸脱红色暗流,走过历史长河、欣赏一部部文学巨作和神话故事,呼吸科学技术的突飞猛进。 内附大量精美插图的《五夸脱血液》横跨世界史,从古罗马谈起,那里,角斗士们吸食手下败将的鲜血,以汲取力量并壮胆,再讲到当代的大大小小实验室,那里,实验人员利用高科技仪器通过验血,检测艾滋病,兢兢业业的科学家们则苦苦探寻令人难以琢磨的治疗方法。在此期间,发生了一连串震撼世界的发明:William Harvey发现了血液循环系统,Antoni van Leeuwenhoek为早期的显微技术的发展起了推波助澜的作用,帮助人类看见了未知的奇妙世界,Paul Ehrlich在免疫学中取得的重大贡献,因此赢得了诺贝尔奖,以及Jay Levy参与艾滋病病毒的发现。但是这并不是说明人类就彻底弄清了神秘的血液之迷,也有过无知和悲剧发生过,譬如说罗马医生加伦极力主张切开动脉和利用蚂蝗吸血的功能来放血治病,而这样的做法弊大于利;“多亏”维多利亚女王饽饽雄心,把血友病引入了19世纪的欧洲皇室家族的基因血统;还有传闻中,发生在当代加利福尼亚的由于某个放血师一时疏忽而导致了已被污染的血液四处传播的事件。从侧面讲,其实这也是作者的人生之旅,Hayes叙述了“生机液”对他日常生活的重要性,他从成长在五朵姐妹花的经历讲起,然后谈到了他们每月的经期问题,再说到了在早期艾滋病肆意的旧金山,公开自己的同性恋身份,以及如何与HIV病毒阳性的携带着保持长久的合作关系。 《五夸脱血液》既是一本讲述血液史的传记,也是一部阐述血液这样一种如此丰富的物质是如何打造一个人的人生轨迹的回忆录,故事中既有怪诞的元素又有煽动性的文字,既蕴涵了大量的信息,也不乏感人的情节,它会渗入你的血液中。


    About the Author/作者介绍: BILL HAYES is the author of the national bestseller Sleep Demons: An Insomniac’s Memoir. His work has been published in The New York Times Magazine and Details, among other publications, and at Salon.com. He lives in San Francisco with his partner, Steve.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:SOLD

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