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    上传日期:2005-1-20 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06092005B00552

    English Summary/英文概要: The first book for young readers that explains sustainable development in easy terms An attention-grabbing primer on mankind’s direct and indirect effects on the natural world, this important book explains how such topics as global trends, economic disparity, and invasive species, among others, have changed the world in which we live. World-renowned photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s spectacular photographs feature fragile environments that are at risk of being lost as well as places that have already seen the devastating effects of human behavior. A poignant overview of the state of the globe, this book encourages readers to understand what is happening in the environment and to take action. AUTHOR BIO: Yann Arthus-Bertrand continues here the work he began with Earth from Above for Young Readers in widening the horizons of people everywhere. His powerful photographs are used to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable development, so that future generations can inherit a livable planet. He lives in France.

    Robert Burleigh, in addition to Earth from Above for Young Readers, has authored Volcanoes: Journey to the Crater’s Edge, which was nominated for Disney Adventures Magazine Best Book of the Year; The Sea: Exploring Life on an Ocean Planet, an Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Award winner; and Chocolate: Riches from the Rain Forest, a Texas Bluebonnet Master List selection. He has also written many critically praised, award-winning fiction, nonfiction, and poetry books for children. A painter as well as a writer, he lives with his wife in Chicago.

    World-renowned photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s spectacular photographs feature fragile environments that are at risk of being lost as well as places that have already seen the devastating effects of human behavior. A poignant overview of the state of the globe, this book encourages readers to understand what is happening in the environment and to take action. AUTHOR BIO: Yann Arthus-Bertrand continues here the work he began with Earth from Above for Young Readers in widening the horizons of people everywhere. His powerful photographs are used to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable development, so that future generations can inherit a livable planet. He lives in France.

    Robert Burleigh, in addition to Earth from Above for Young Readers, has authored Volcanoes: Journey to the Crater’s Edge, which was nominated for Disney Adventures Magazine Best Book of the Year; The Sea: Exploring Life on an Ocean Planet, an Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Award winner; and Chocolate: Riches from the Rain Forest, a Texas Bluebonnet Master List selection. He has also written many critically praised, award-winning fiction, nonfiction, and poetry books for children. A painter as well as a writer, he lives with his wife in Chicago.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 这是第一本写给年轻读者的关于可持续性发展的读物,此书以通俗易懂的语言为读者解释了人类行为对自然界造成的直接与间接影响,阐述了诸如全球化趋势、经济差异等因素是怎样改变我们所生存的这个世界的。世界著名摄像师Yann Arthus-Bertrand用他手中的照相机记录下了让人心酸的地球全景。本书让读者了解到了大自然环境所遭受到的破坏,并鼓励大家能采取积极的行动保护我们的地球家园。


    About the Author/作者介绍: Yann Arthus-Bertrand continues here the work he began with Earth from Above for Young Readers in widening the horizons of people everywhere. His powerful photographs are used to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable development, so that future generations can inherit a livable planet. He lives in France. Robert Burleigh, in addition to Earth from Above for Young Readers, has authored Volcanoes: Journey to the Crater’s Edge, which was nominated for Disney Adventures Magazine Best Book of the Year; The Sea: Exploring Life on an Ocean Planet, an Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Award winner; and Chocolate: Riches from the Rain Forest, a Texas Bluebonnet Master List selection. He has also written many critically praised, award-winning fiction, nonfiction, and poetry books for children. A painter as well as a writer, he lives with his wife in Chicago.
    作者Yann Arthus-Bertrand延续了他上一部作品Earth from Above for young readers的风格出版了此书,希望能开阔全世界人民的眼界。他在书中用到的视觉效果极强的照片为提高人们对可持续性发展的重要性的认识起到了一定的作用。他住在法国。 Robert Burleigh, 除了发表了Earth from above for young readers外,还是Volcanoes: Journey to the Crater’s Edge的作者,此部作品曾被提名迪斯尼冒险杂志年度最佳读物,凭借The Sea: Exploring Life on an Ocean Planet成为奥本海姆奖获奖者。他也曾为儿童读者写过许多颇受评论家好评的作品。这位多才多艺的作家非常擅长画画,和他的妻子一同住在芝加哥。
    Yann Arthus-Bertrand continues here the work he began with Earth from Above for Young Readers in widening the horizons of people everywhere. His powerful photographs are used to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable development, so that future generations can inherit a livable planet. He lives in France. Robert Burleigh, in addition to Earth from Above for Young Readers, has authored Volcanoes: Journey to the Crater’s Edge, which was nominated for Disney Adventures Magazine Best Book of the Year; The Sea: Exploring Life on an Ocean Planet, an Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Award winner; and Chocolate: Riches from the Rain Forest, a Texas Bluebonnet Master List selection. He has also written many critically praised, award-winning fiction, nonfiction, and poetry books for children. A painter as well as a writer, he lives with his wife in Chicago.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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