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    定价:10.00 英镑
    上传日期:2005-2-18 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12844005B01116

    English Summary/英文概要: Chomsky, Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Germaine Greer ... with their regular TV appearances, newspaper columns and soundbites in times of crisis, intellectuals are essential characters in the drama of modern life. But what makes them tick? Modelled on Machiavelli’s notorious tract on statecraft, The Prince, Steve Fuller’s book dissects what it means to be an intellectual. What distinguishes them from philosophers, scientists, politicians or entrepreneurs? Why are they happy to be insulted as long as they are not ignored? Why do they thrive on conflict? And why is Batman the intellectual’s favourite superhero? As well as a history of the intellectual from Ancient Greece to post-9/11, Steve Fuller also provides an essential guide to the species. Think you would recognise an intellectual when you saw one? Entertain hopes of intellectualism yourself? Meet exemplars from the past – Voltaire, Sartre, Norman Mailer or Bertrand Russell – alongside many living examples in this brilliantly original road-map to the intellectual life.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 喬姆斯基,道金斯,克里斯多夫•希欽斯,傑曼•格里爾他們在電視、報紙、專欄和摘錄中頻頻出現。知識份子已經成為現代社會的重要角色,但是什麼讓他們變得渺小不已?是為馬基雅維裡臭名昭著的處世之道大肆宣揚?Steve Fuller的書分析了“知識份子”這個角色的定義。他們和哲學家、科學家、政治家和企業家之間有什麼不同?他們為什麼即使被侮辱也不甘寂寞?他們為什麼總是要製造分歧?他甚至討論了知識份子為什麼最推崇蝙蝠俠為超級英雄。從古希臘到9/11後期,知識份子們發生了什麼轉變?Steve Fuller對這樣一群人做了重要解釋。你能從人群中辨識出知識份子嗎?你自己想成為知識份子嗎?從古到今:伏爾泰,薩特,諾曼•梅勒或伯特蘭•羅素,他們都是知識份子的楷模,他們是怎麼做的,我們能從他們身上學到什麼?(Celia)


    About the Author/作者介绍: Steve Fuller,1959年生於美國紐約,先後在美國哥倫比亞大學社會學系和英國劍橋大學科學史與科學哲學系學習,1985年在美國匹茲堡大學科學史與科學哲學系獲得博士學位。1994年任英國特勒姆大學社會學和科學政策教授,1998年起至今任英國瓦立克大學社會學教授。Fuller的研究成果體現在他的多部專著和所發表在眾多刊物上的一系列論文之中。除本書外,他已出版的著作還包括《Social Epistemology》(1988)、《Philosophy of Science and its Discontents》(1993)、《Science》(1997)、《The Governance of Science: Ideology and the Future of the Open Society》(2000)等等

    Steve Fuller graduated from Columbia University in History & Sociology before gaining an M.Phil. from Cambridge and Phd from Pittsburgh, both in the History and Philosophy of Science. His major publications are: Social Epistemology(1988), Philosophy of Science and its Discontents(1993), Philosophy, Rhetoric and the End of Knowledge(2003), Science(1997), The Governance of Science: Ideology and the Future of the Open Society(2000).


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