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    上传日期:2016-7-7 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12100016B92686

    English Summary/英文概要: Filled with relentless action and compulsive storylines, James P. Sumner’s Adrian Hell novels have already been downloaded over 250,000 times since the series began in 2014

    A face from his past. A quest for vengeance.

    For over a decade, Adrian has struggled with the guilt of his family’s death. Following on from the explosive events in Hunter’s Games, he decides it’s time to go after the man who took away everything he ever loved. But from the moment he arrives in Pittsburgh, his increasingly reckless attempts to destroy everything Wilson Trent has built only leads to further suffering.

    With his best friend by his side, and blinded by his thirst for vengeance, Adrian must take on Trent’s entire criminal empire as he battles for the one thing that’s eluded him for so long... closure.

    One Last Bullet is the latest thriller in James P. Sumner’s bestselling Adrian Hell series. Packed with intense, visceral action, and his trademark dialogue, this book will take you on an emotional rollercoaster as it brings this chapter of Adrian’s life to a close.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 一张来自过去的脸,一个寻仇的猎人。 十年来,阿德里安一直为家人的身亡而深深自责内疚。在《猎人的游戏》爆炸事件过后,他决定是时候去为自己痛失所爱的人去讨回公道了。但当他抵达匹斯堡的一刻起,这位昔日枪手开始发了疯似地,要去摧毁威尔逊•特伦特给他造成的痛苦。 幸好有朋友在旁,被复仇蒙蔽了双眼的阿德里安,必须摧毁特伦特长期以来建立的犯罪帝国,把这件积压在心头多年的事情做个了结。。。(Sandy)


    About the Author/作者介绍: James P. Sumner was born in the north of England, and has lived there his whole life. Consequently, he was 15 years old before he witnessed the whole "summer" thing he’d heard so much about...

    Always reading in his youth, he finally took up the pen in 2013 and began bringing Adrian Hell to life. Since then, he’s gone on to have three Amazon bestsellers, and reach #1 in both the US and the UK in his genre chart. He knows this, because instead of writing, he spends his days refreshing his sales page every five seconds to see how many books he’s sold.

    His writing is fresh and original, and he always delivers fast-paced action that keeps your pulse pounding from start to finish. If you’re looking for the next big thing in thriller fiction, look no further.

    Also, just to clarify, he doesn’t always wear that hat..


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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