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    上传日期:2016-8-24 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06545016B93749

    English Summary/英文概要: The Winchester Rifle, the iconic gun made in New Haven, Connecticut, and sold in its hundreds of thousands around the world, mirrors American expansion at a key period in the young country’s history. The lethal repeating rifle became the defining image of America’s frontier – and was known amongst Native Americans as ’the spirit gun’. It represented both the pioneering vigour and the brutal force which conquered the West.

    Laura Trevelyan explores the history of, and the family behind, this renowned representation of American power. The entrepreneurial drive of Oliver Winchester led the rifle to rapidly assume legendary status not long after its release in 1866, gaining endorsements from the likes of Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley and President Teddy Roosevelt. This engaging history sheds light on the story and myth of an American legend.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 温彻斯特来福枪是康涅狄格州New Haven的标志性出产,在全球售出了成百上千支,折射出美国这个年轻国家在历史上一段关键时期的发展。这把支持连发的来福枪成为美国前线的标志,也是美国印第安人心目中的“精神之枪”。它代表了先锋活力和残忍力量,最终征服了整个西部。

    Laura Trevelyan探索了家族的历史以及这把美国精神的象征。Oliver Winchester的企业家精神让来福枪1866年上市之后很快拥有了传奇般的地位,甚至得到了罗斯福总统的肯定。这段历史也补充了又一个美国式的传奇。(LYR)

    Awards/获奖情况:Laura Trevelyan是最优秀的记者之一,也是今日美国最出色的电视主持人之一。同时,她还是能力出众的历史学家,在这本很吸引人、生动的著作中,她讲述了自己家族祖先的故事。从某个角度来说,这是一段可作楷模的商业历史,关于温彻斯特连发武器公司,生产的来福枪和手枪大量销售,成为美国最大的武器制造商之一。但从另一个角度来说,这也是一段新英格兰王朝的过去,那里的男男女女都很有性格。本书经过了详实的调研,而且笔触优美,是一段有关一家标志性的美国企业和一个了不起的美国家族的杰出研究。(David Cannadine爵士,普林斯顿大学历史系教授)

    ’Laura Trevelyan is one of the most brilliant journalists and incisive television presenters working in America today. She is also a very accomplished historian, and in this fascinating and vividly evocative book, she tells the story of her Winchester and Bennett forebears. From one perspective, this is an exemplary business history, of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, of the rifles and shotguns it produced and sold in vast quantities, and of the rise, triumph and fall of one of America’s greatest arms manufacturers. From another, it is an enthralling account of a famous New England dynasty, full of larger than life characters, both men and women. Deeply researched and beautifully written, this is an outstanding study of an iconic American firm and of an extraordinary American family.’ --Sir David Cannadine, Dodge Professor of History, Princeton University

    Who knew that the maker of the gun that won the west , the Winchester 73, was a New Englander who began his career manufacturing shirts? The extraordinary life of Oliver Winchester and his company - and its rapid rise and slow and tragic fall into modern obscurity - is told gallantly and with great precision by a distant descendent, the noted BBC correspondent Laura Trevelyan. From Little Bighorn to the Winchester Mystery House - it is all there, a series of American icons sturdily described by a writer who, because of her ancestry, knows the story far better than most and tells it better than all. --Simon Winchester, author of Pacific: The Ocean of the Future

    About the Author/作者介绍: Laura Trevelyan是BBC驻纽约主持人和记者。她自1993年起为BBC工作至今,曾负责多个电台和电视节目。她是温彻斯特连发武器公司创始人Oliver Winchester的曾曾曾孙女,对于这一话题的兴趣自17岁她第一次拿起来福枪打网球就开始了。她和丈夫和孩子们住在纽约。她还曾发表《A Very British Family: The Trevelyans and Their World》,I.B.Tauris于2006年出版。

    Laura Trevelyan is an anchor and correspondent for the BBC, based in New York. She has worked for the BBC since 1993, reporting for many radio and television programmes. The great great great granddaughter of Oliver Winchester, the entrepreneur who founded the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, her interest in the subject began aged 17 when she fired a rifle adapted to shoot tennis balls at the home of her Winchester relatives. She lives with her husband and children in New York. She is the author of A Very British Family: The Trevelyans and Their World (I.B.Tauris, 2006).


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