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    定价:9.99 英镑
    上传日期:2005-3-24 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06580005B02068

    English Summary/英文概要: A new volume of stories from A. S. Byatt is always a joy, and this one is rich and rare indeed. In the same distinctive format as The Matisse Stories and The Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye, this collection deals with betrayal and loyalty, quests and longings, loneliness and passion — the mysterious absences at the heart of the fullest lives. A woman walks away from her previous existence and encounters an ice-blond stranger from a secretive world; a schoolgirl draws a blood-filled picture of the biblical heroine Jael; a swimming pool reveals a beauteous monster in its depths. The settings of Elementals range from the heat of Provence in summer to the cold forests of Scandinavia, from chalk-strewn classrooms to herb-scented hillsides, from suburban streets to rocky wilds. A marvelous present for all A. S. Byatt fans, this magical collection will also serve as a perfect introduction to one of our finest contemporary writers.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 《紐約時報》   以雋永豐富的知性之火千錘百鍊,篇篇都如閃爍耀眼的散文極品……這本精選的短篇小說集將使拜雅特的書迷們欣喜不已,同時也將帶來更多折服於她翩翩文采之下的新讀者。

      《丹佛郵報》   以嫻熟的筆觸穿梭於真實與想像之間的夢幻魔境,拜雅特的這本最新傑作將引領讀者進入一個相反的元素--熱情與孤寂,背叛與忠誠,火與冰--相互撞擊、比肩翱翔的奇妙世界。美麗的雪女甘冒生命危險,愛上了一個來自沙漠的王子,他熱情的愛撫卻只會使她遍體鱗傷。一個成功的職業婦女在丈夫猝死的現場毅然拋下一切、遠走他鄉。一個渴望準確掌握色彩與線條技巧的畫家,在出現在他游泳池裡的魔法水蛇身上,意外地找到了所有問題的解答。富裕的英國婦人在異國的購物中心裡,逐漸地喪失了一切身分表徵。精雕細琢,智趣橫生,這些令人心醉神馳的故事在在都是作家正處於創作顛峰的鐵証。      一場令人目眩神怡的演出……如寶石般光芒四射的豐富意象貫穿全書。

      《華盛頓郵報書評專刊》   拜雅特有著……天馬行空的想像力;她以不可思議的魔力創造了這些超越時空、值得高聲朗誦的優美篇章……全書穿插著不朽藝術傑作,令人激賞!

      《波士頓環球報》   拜雅特散文小說散發著燦爛而振奮人心的光芒,呼應詩人濟慈的遺世名言:「詩的語言本應以漫無節制來奇襲世人。」

      《紐約時報》書評   精力充沛而傲視群倫……充滿了光影與生命。

      《洛杉磯時報》書評   以才華洋溢的技巧駕馭全新的爆發力,拜雅特回歸傳說與神話的世界,賦予單純如火與冰的故事一個全新的生命。

      《里奇蒙時報》電訊   生動的色彩、栩栩如生的感官描述和已臻藝術境界的語言運用,交織出這本想像豐富的短篇故事集令人愛不釋手。


    Awards/获奖情况:"Rich physical details, lush sensual descriptions of people and places...Byatt’s engaging message is that art, curiosity and stories and save us. Now read on" -- Michele Roberts Independent on Sunday "Byatt weaves myth and art into bewitching fables...an astonishing display of imagination. The whole collection has a kaleidoscopic beauty" -- Mark Sanderson Time Out "Drenched in colour, spangled with optical effects, the yarns and parables in Elementals pay rapt attention to a world of light" -- Boyd Tonkin Independent "Cold", the story at the centre of Elementals is entirely fabulous...Its tenor is voluptuous and melancholy, like that of Oscar Wilde’s fairy stories, with some of the erotic edge of Angela Carter’s...These stories are full of colour and light" -- Lucy Hughes-Hallett Sunday Times "In a sparkling year for short stories, A.S. Byatt takes all the prizes...A wonderful series of reflections on the harsh realities of life (loneliness, death and betrayal) overlaid with a goassamer-light cloak of passion, mystery and ancient magic" -- Carolyn Hart Marie Claire

    About the Author/作者介绍: A. S. Byatt is famed for her short fiction, collected in Sugar and Other Stories, The Matisse Stories, and The Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye. Her full-length novels include the Booker Prize-winning Possession and the trilogy sequence The Virgin in the Garden, Still Life, and Babel Tower.

      1936年8月24日出生於英國雪菲德〈Sheffield〉。父親為法官,其妹Margaret Drabble亦為知名小說家。長篇小說作品《迷情書蹤》(Possession)曾於1990年榮獲布克獎(Booker Prize)以及愛爾蘭時報/愛爾蘭航空國際小說獎(Irish Times/Aer Lingus International Fiction Prize)。她曾受教於約克大學以及劍橋大學的紐罕學院(Newnham College),並曾在成為全職作家之前任教於中央藝術學院(Centre School of Art)。於1990年獲頒大英帝國司令勳章(C. B. E.)。以學者身分長於文學評論,小說內容旁徵博引,主要角色多為學界人士或藝術創作者,針對智性過程進行著繁複的辯證。


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

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