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    上传日期:2016-12-6 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 09700016B97131

    English Summary/英文概要: Author Ilona Ciunaite’s search for the truth began when she first "experienced silence of the thinking mind, a sweet sense of being, contentment, peace," and "feeling at home." Driven by a desire to reach that state of oneness once more, her path led her through spiritual writings to the process of deconstruction and non-dual self-inquiry and finally to a peaceful emptiness of not knowing, but of simply being. It’s from that place that Ciunaite cocreated the popular Liberation Unleashed forum-a global Internet-based community helping people see through the illusion of a separate self-and it’s Mjust that sense of unknowing peace she wishes to impart with this book.

    Liberation Unleashed is a lively, fresh, and moving account of the author’s own searching, liberation, and transformation, woven together with the stories of fellow seekers and a clear exposition of the simple, focused tools you can use to go through the "gateless gate." With its conversational tone, provocative questions, and the presentation of the seven steps-"Clearing the path-meeting the fear," "Strip away ALL expectations," "Get in touch with the real," "’I’ is a thought," "There is no separate self," "How does it feel to see this?" and "Falling"-this book serves as an introductory how-to guide, demonstrating how to use the process of self-inquiry to get free from the falseness of the separate self and realize a blissful oneness.

    So many of us go through life feeling isolated, searching for ourselves, or seeking a more authentic reality through religion, spirituality, or other, more unconventional means of expanding consciousness. Now, with this book and its guiding principles, you’ll learn how to look deeply into the nature of self and existence; combat the anxieties, fears, mental blocks, and reservations that can arise in self-inquiry; and see the simple beauty of the everyday moment

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 本书作者Ilona Ciunaite从她第一次“感受到思考中的宁静,一种存在、满足和和平的状态”、“就好像回到家的感觉”就开始研究其中真相。为了达到这样合一的状态,她开始通过精神研究的文献再现了解构和非双重自我的过程,最终大道了平和但未知的存在。从此Ciunaite与人合作创办了人气论坛,帮助人们了解看到独自存在的自我的错觉,这就是她希望通过这本书传递给别人的和平状态。



    Awards/获奖情况:本书介绍了令人心动的精神活动:在线的互相辅导,无须再购买机票了。这本书帮助我们从仰慕大师的时代前进到了互相成为朋友的时代。(Greg Goode,著有《The Direct Path and After Awareness》,合著有《Emptiness and Joyful Freedom》)

    Ilona在这本美妙的书里指出了这种思维的解放确实是行之有效的。我记得很多人当初都尝试过,希望能够走出思维自由的捷径。从很多方面来说这一运动都革命性地改变了人们看待自由的方式。我就知道很多人认为这是非常有帮助的。看到这本书就知道这样的尝试还在进行之中,非常推荐这本书。(Scott Kiloby,The Kiloby恢复中心首席执行官)

    About the Author/作者介绍: Ilona Ciunaite出生在拉托尼亚。她对于思维方式很感兴趣,有心理学学位,关注自由的思维模式。Ciunaite和纹身艺术家丈夫住在英国。他们一起在西苏赛克斯开一家纹身工作室(http://www.mantas-tattoo.com)

    Ciunaite2002年开始追寻所谓真相。2010年,她发现了Jed McKenna的书,震撼了她的信仰,也促使他想要去证明自己所相信的东西并不是真实的。在经过几个月痛苦的自询之后,她终于能够感受到内心的平静:这种平静的来源是空,即未知。她由此开始撰写博客,分享关于自由的观点和邀请读者在自己的经历中寻找自我。后来,Ciunaite和她的朋友Elena Nezhinsky合作开发了一个叫做Direct Pointing的过程,是一个追寻者和指导者之间的对话。2011年9月,本书的网站和论坛发布。

    Ilona Ciunaite was born in Lithuania. Always interested in the mind and how it works, she has a degree in psychology and a mind-set to focus on freedom for herself and those who find her. Ciunaite lives in England with her husband Narimantas, a tattoo artist from whom she learned the art of tattooing. Together they run a custom tattoo studio in West Sussex (http://www.mantas-tattoo.com).

    Ciunaite’s search for truth started in 2002, when for the first time she “experienced silence of the thinking mind, a sweet sense of being, contentment, peace,” and “feeling at home.” In 2010, she discovered Jed McKenna’s books, which were a shock to her belief system and catapulted her “out of hypnosis” and toward the realization that all she believed was not truth. It wasn’t until the initial deconstruction was done, after months of painful self-inquiry, that Ciunaite felt at peace: there was an emptiness, a not knowing, a not believing anything about anything. Then the last step was taken and the separate self was seen to be an illusion. She started writing a blog, Marked, Eternal, where she shared thoughts about this newfound freedom and invited readers to look for themselves in their own experience. Later, Ciunaite and her friend Elena Nezhinsky helped develop a process called Direct Pointing, which consists of a dialogue between a guide and a seeker. In September 2011, the Liberation Unleashed website and forum was launched. Together Ciunaite and Nezhinsky published a book, Gateless Gatecrashers, that consists of conversations leading to self-realization, and which can be downloaded for free from the Liberation Unleashed website.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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