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    上传日期:2017-1-10 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 00530017B98279

    English Summary/英文概要: The turbulent Tudor age never fails to capture the imagination. But what was it actually like to be a woman during this period? This was a time when death in infancy or during childbirth was rife; when marriage was usually a legal contract, not a matter for love, and the education of women was minimal at best. Yet the Tudor century was also dominated by powerful and characterful women in a way that no era had been before.

    Elizabeth Norton explores the seven ages of the Tudor woman, from childhood to old age, through the diverging examples of women such as Elizabeth Tudor, Henry VIII’s sister who died in infancy; Cecily Burbage, Elizabeth’s wet nurse; Mary Howard, widowed but influential at court; Elizabeth Boleyn, mother of a controversial queen; and Elizabeth Barton, a peasant girl who would be lauded as a prophetess. Their stories are interwoven with studies of topics ranging from Tudor toys to contraception to witchcraft, painting a portrait of the lives of queens and serving maids, nuns and harlots, widows and chaperones.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 风起云涌的都铎王朝时代向来能激发人们的无限想象。但这个时期的女人到底是什么样的呢?在这个时期,早夭是家常便饭;婚姻通常只是法律协议,而不是出于爱情;对女性的教育则越少越好。但是,和其他任何时期相比,都铎王朝却被握有权力又魅力十足的女性所统治。

    作者研究了都铎王朝统治时期7个不同阶段的女性,从童年到老年,涵盖了各个领域的女性,包括死于襁褓之中的伊丽莎白都铎;伊丽莎白的奶妈;在宫廷中颇具影响力的寡妇Mary Howard;极富争议的皇后的母亲Elizabeth Boleyn;被认为是女先知的Elizabeth Barton。她们的故事和该时期各类主题交织在一起,包括玩具、节育、巫术等,生动展现了当时皇后、侍女、修女、妓女、寡妇、女伴等女性的生活。(LYR)

    Awards/获奖情况:“对都铎王朝热爱者和学者来说是必读作品!令我爱不释卷。”——Alison Weir

    “突破性的……调查详实、文笔优美,讲述了一段生动而令人震撼的历史。”——Sarah Gristwood

    “对都铎王朝进行了详细的调查,令人印象深刻……出色的作品——可读性强、信息量大、调查详实……强烈推荐给任何对都铎王朝历史和该时期女性生活的读者。”——Shiny New Books

    In these absorbing and well-researched portraits, Norton (The Temptation of Elizabeth Tudor), an authority on the queens of England, juxtaposes the experiences of prominent and ordinary women across the social, economic, and religious spectra during the Tudor period (1485–1603). Norton frames her work with the lives of Henry VIII’s younger sister Elizabeth (1492–1495) and his younger daughter, Queen Elizabeth I (1533–1603). She posits that women passed through Shakespeare’s “seven ages of man” in parallel fashion. This construct proves awkward, as for women there was no fourth or fifth age comparable to those of a soldier or man at the peak of his professional success. Thus, two of the book’s middle sections devolve into narratives about well-known, exceptional women caught up in the religious turmoil of the 1530s–1550s. The earlier and later ages more successfully encompass a broad range of experiences, including those of wet nurses, witches, the poor, servants, and widows. Readers will learn about cooking and medicine, church pews and contraception, ladies in waiting, rape and prostitution, ecclesiastical courts, Lady Jane Grey, cosmetics, and more. Despite occasionally stretching the material to suit her thesis, Norton weaves her stories with an expert hand and illuminates many rarely discussed aspects of daily life for Tudor women. Illus. (July)

    ’Essential reading for Tudor fans and scholars alike! I could not put it down’ Alison Weir.

    ’Groundbreaking ... Widely researched and beautifully written, this is vivid and compelling history’ Sarah Gristwood.

    ’Norton has already published books on five of the Tudor Queens and is well-placed to write this book ... Ideal for scholars (the bibliography covers almost twenty pages) while still remaining thoroughly accessible to the general reader’ Bookbag.

    ’An impressive sweep through the Tudor period ... A splendid book – highly readable, informative and impressively researched ... Highly recommended for anyone interested in women’s lives and/or in this fascinating period of English history’ Shiny New Books.

    About the Author/作者介绍: Elizabeth Norton,英国女王和都铎王朝方面的历史学家。著有Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves and Catherine Parr和英格兰女王们的传记。

    Elizabeth Norton is a historian of the queens of England and the Tudor period. She is the author of biographies of Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves and Catherine Parr, and of England’s Queens: The Biography.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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