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    上传日期:2017-2-24 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06684517B99481

    English Summary/英文概要: The Handbook of 21st Century Management provides authoritative insight into the key issues for students in college or corporate courses with a particular emphasis on the current structure of the topic in the literature, key threads of discussion and research on the topic, and emerging trends. This resource is useful in structuring exciting and meaningful papers and presentations and assists readers in deciding on management areas to take elective coursework in or to orient themselves towards for a career. Indeed, familiarity with many of the topics in this Handbook would be very useful in job interviews for positions in business.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 《二十一世纪管理手册》对大学或企业课程中的学生的关键问题提供了权威性的见解,并特别强调了当前该专题在文献中的结构、讨论和研究的主要线索以及新出现的趋势。这种资源有助于构建令人兴奋和有意义的论文和演示文稿,并帮助读者决定管理领域选修选修课程,或为自己的职业定位。事实上,熟悉本手册中的许多主题对从事商业职位的面试是非常有用的。(YYW)


    About the Author/作者介绍: Charles Wankel是纽约圣约翰大学管理学教授。他拥有纽约大学的博士学位,在那里他被授予了国家商业学会的伽马伽马西格玛国家荣誉。哥伦比亚大学的美国国会认定他是全美全面质量管理领域的顶尖专家之一。在管理学院(AOM)2004届和2005届的会议上,他获得了管理教育与发展奖的杰出服务奖。AOM亦于1991年向他颁发了管理学院最佳教育奖,十多年来,他每年都被选为AOM部门的成员。跟着Robert DeFillippi,他一直在编辑AOM管理教育问题多册系列:管理教育与发展系列的研究。

    Wankel是管理学学术虚拟社区领先的创始人和主任教授,现在指导来自70多个国家,超过七个邮件列表的成千上万的参与。(在谷歌上搜索“Charles Wankel”,你将会了解到他在网上的知名度有多大)。他与别人合著了畅销的本科教材《管理学》,在上世纪80年代,他和Prentice Hall,发表了对波兰企业战略发展的一本学术著作,以及众多的学术文章,专著,和章节。


    Charles Wankel is Professor of Management at St. John’s University, New York. He holds a doctorate from New York University, where he was admitted to the Beta Gamma Sigma national honor society for business disciplines. Columbia University’s American Assembly identified him as one of the nation’s top experts on Total Quality Management. He received the Outstanding Service in Management Education & Development Award at both the 2004 and 2005 meetings of the Academy of Management (AOM). AOM also presented its Best Paper in Management Education Award to him in 1991, and he has been selected to serve as an officer of AOM divisions every year for more than a decade. Along with Robert DeFillippi, he has been editing a multi-volume series for AOM on management education issues: the Research in Management Education & Development Series. Wankel is the leading founder and director of scholarly virtual communities for management professors, currently directing more than seven listservs with thousands of participants in more than 70 nations. (A Google search for "Charles Wankel" will provide you with an awareness of the scope of his online prominence.) He co-authored a bestselling undergraduate textbook, Management, in the 1980s with Prentice Hall, published a scholarly book on interorganizational strategy development in Poland, and numerous scholarly articles, monographs, and chapters. He has extensive international experience, ranging from the United Arab Emirates to Vietnam, Japan, Lithuania, Malaysia, Singapore, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Mexico. He has been an invited lecturer to Harvard and Columbia, as well as the Czech Management Center, University of Warsaw, Polish Academy of Sciences, University of Malaysia, National University of Singapore, and University of Toronto, and he taught and researched at Kaunas Technical University in Lithuania in 1997 under a Fulbright Fellowship Grant. His current research interests include managing geographically and temporally distributed teams and new pedagogies of management education.


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