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    上传日期:2017-2-24 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06684517B99484

    English Summary/英文概要: A time in the future when our two great countries, Canada and the United States, have amalgamated to form the United States of North America. Within the U.S.N.A. and especially in parts of the former country of Canada, there is a growing discontent. With ongoing wars, food shortages due to climate change, family farms disappearing into corporate prison farms and other factors, the seeds of rebellion are sown. The rebels want a return to a time when the policies of the government represented the best interests of the people, not the best interests of those who govern. To combat this threat, a new organization has been created by the ruling council of USNA. It’s a covert homeland security force; the Strategic Home Alliance Defense Organization (S.H.A.D.O.). Operating on the fringes of the law, their mission is simple: locate and eliminate any rebel activity using deadly force if necessary. USNA: The United States of North America is the story of the people’s fight against tyranny. It takes place in our backyard.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 将来某个时候,加拿大和美国,这两个伟大的国家合并形成了北美合众国。在U.S.N.A.中,尤其是前加拿大地区,不和谐的声音越来越明显。持续的战争、由于气候变化、农场流失等而导致的食物短缺,一系列的因素埋下了反叛的种子。起义军希望回到某个时代,在这个时代中,政府的政策是代表人民利益的、而非统治者的利益。为了镇压此威胁,执政者成立了一个新的组织,这是一支明显的国土安全力量,战略性国土联盟保卫机构(S.H.A.D.O.),其使命非常简单:不惜一切代价找出并消除一切反叛力量。《USNA:北美合众国》讲述了人们对抗暴君专制的故事。(LYR)

    Awards/获奖情况:“非常有趣的小说,情节紧凑,人物性格生动,中间描述了许多曲折。非常精彩。”——Joseph Mallozi,电视制片人

    “USNA是一部发人深省的读物,充满血腥和子弹。”——Bryn Evans

    “无论你认为故事是事实还是虚构的,无可否认的是,USNA是一本非常有趣的读物,细致描述了一场合并后的起义运动。”——Eric Volmer

    “USNA表达了一批艺术家的心声,通过尖锐、通俗易懂的方式将这些想法整合在了一起,是近年来我所读过的最棒的一部喜剧作品。”——Axel Matfin,作家

    "A really intriguing premise, tightly plotted, and engaging characters. Some very nice twists and turns along the way. I think it’s a wonderful property." —Joseph Mallozi, television producer, Stargate

    "USNA is a meaty read, full of blood and bullets. It’s easy to imagine it as a film, though the comic format gives it a greater scope . . . than a modest budget would allow." —Bryn Evans, Fast Forward Magazine

    "Whether you think the story is fact or fiction, there’s no denying that USNA is an entertaining yarn that focuses on a rebel movement that springs up after the amalgamation." —Eric Volmer, Calgary Herald

    "USNA is a clear loud voice from some artists who know what they want to say, and have put it all together in a very sharp, easy to digest package. Easily the best independent comic I’ve read in years." —Axel Matfin, author, The Bartender: Darkness on the Edge of Town

    About the Author/作者介绍: David Longworth 是一名诗人、表演艺术家、出版社总监兼Reel Write Brothers合伙人。他曾合作撰写过许多电影剧本,其中两部被改编成插图小说。他现居温哥华。

    Harry Kalensky 是一名作家、贝斯手兼演员,现居温哥华。

    Allan Stanleigh 是一名编剧兼出版人,现居温哥华。

    Dave Casey 是一名自由插画家兼设计师,为《纽约时报》等客户工作。他现居纽约。

    David Longworth is a poet, performer, publishing company director, and a partner at Reel Write Brothers. He has collaborated in writing numerous screenplays, two of which have been converted into graphic novels. He lives in Vancouver.

    Harry Kalensky is a writer, a bass player, and an actor. He lives in Vancouver.

    Allan Stanleigh is a screenwriter and publisher who teaches filmmaking and writing. He is the writer, producer, recording engineer, and voice actor in the comedy podcast No Shirt, No Shoes, and Pants Optional. He lives in Vancouver.

    Dave Casey is a freelance illustrator and designer working with such clients as the Future Snowboarding Magazine, The New York Times, and SEED. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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