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    上传日期:2017-2-24 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06684517B99486

    English Summary/英文概要: Influence kills...Influence is the greatest force on earth. Influence equals power, the power to affect people and events. The most powerful people alive have the greatest influence. And they can use it for good or bad. Marcus Kline is the world’s leading authority on communication and influence. He can tell what you are thinking. He can see inside you. He can step inside your mind. Yet when a series of murder victims bear the horrific hallmarks of an intelligent and remorseless serial killer, Detective Inspector Peter Jones turns to Marcus for help - and everything changes. As the killer sets a deadly pace, the invisible, irresistible and terrifying power of influence threatens friendships, reputations, and lives. When events appear to implicate the great Marcus Kline himself, everyone learns that the worst pain isn’t physical...

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 影响是致命的,影响是地球上最强大的力量。影响力等于力量,可以影响人们和事件的力量。世上最有权势的人影响最大。他们可以利用它来做好事或是坏事。Marcus Kline是世界领先的沟通和影响力的权威人物。他能说出你在想什么。他能看见你的内心。他可以走进你的脑海。然而,当一系列的谋杀受害者,身上都有高智商冷血连环杀手做的可怕的标记,Peter Jones探长向Marcus求助,一切都变了。当杀手设定了杀人的节奏,无形的、不可抗拒的、可怕的影响力威胁着友谊、名誉和生命。当事件涉及到伟大的Marcus Kline自己的时候,大家发现了,最痛苦的不是身体上的痛苦… (YYW)

    Awards/获奖情况:我二十年前开始读克里斯派克。他那时很了不起。他现在很了不起-- Geoff Thompson

    I began reading Chris Parker twenty years ago. He was amazing then. He is amazing now --Geoff Thompson

    About the Author/作者介绍: Chris Parker是沟通和影响力方面的专家。他对文字的力量的魅力,自1976年开始如何使用文字来创造人内心和人际交往的变化。它是一项终身学习的内容,近四十年来支持了在各种职业角色和环境中人们的工作。Chris是一位有经验的管理培训师、商业顾问、讲师和作家,他是NPL执牌从业者。他为各个领域的客户提沟通和影响力培训,包括蓝筹机构、政客、演员,运动员,女性,LEA,国有或私有业余供应商医疗保健专业人员。他曾在英国和欧洲教授本科和研究生课程,并与许多人合作,帮助创造个人和/或专业的改变。Chris也是一位经验丰富的武术家。他于1973年开始训练1973,被广泛认为是领先的实践者和马来西亚Pencak Silat的武术老师。他特别感兴趣的是运用军事原则来改善公司业绩和提高个人福利。

    Chris Parker is a specialist in Communication and Influence. His fascination with the power of words and how they can be used to create intrapersonal and interpersonal change began in 1976. It became a lifelong study that has underpinned almost four decades of work in a variety of professional roles and contexts. A Licensed Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Chris is a highly experienced management trainer, business consultant, lecturer and writer. He has provided Communication Skills and Influencing Performance training for a wide range of clients including blue-chip organisations, politicians, actors, sportsmen and women, LEAs, public and private leisure providers and healthcare professionals. He has taught on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes throughout the UK and Europe, and worked with many individuals to help create personal and/or professional change. Chris is also an experienced martial artist. He began training in 1973 and is widely regarded as a leading practitioner and teacher of Pencak Silat, a Malaysian martial art. His particular interest is in the application of martial principles to improve corporate performance and enhance personal wellbeing.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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