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    上传日期:2017-3-3 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 11980517B99736

    English Summary/英文概要: In this stunning collection, Jessica Friedmann navigates her journey through postpartum depression after the birth of her son. Drawing on critical theory, popular culture, and personal experience, her wide-ranging essays touch on class, race, gender, and sexuality, as well as motherhood, creativity, and mental illness.

    Occasionally confronting, but always powerfully moving and beautifully observed, Things That Helped charts Jessica’s return into the world: a slow and complex process of reassembling what depression fractured, and sometimes broke.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 体内雌性激素的彻底退却,胸口血液的发闷流动,伴随着酸胀。我躺在那里,睡不着,倾听着,思考着气息和水声。我失眠了。。。 在这部令人惊叹的回忆录中,作者本人叙述了自己在诞下麟儿欧文后,患上产后忧郁症的心路历程。借鉴批判理论,流行文化,和个人经验,杰西卡的这本议题广泛的作品触及各个阶层,种族,性别,以及母性,创造力和精神疾病问题。 偶尔的对抗,但自始自终的强有力的触动和优美的观察,《有助之事》绘制了杰西卡返回的世界的这样一个场景:将支离破碎的抑郁重组的一个缓慢而又复杂的过程。(Sandy)

    Awards/获奖情况:’A brutally insightful and often heartbreaking study of the complexities of womanhood. Her transportive writing will break you open and fill you anew.’ -- Anna Spargo-Ryan, author of The Paper House ’Jessica Friedmann has left safety behind and walked into something vast - a self, a world, on the verge of unravelling yet exhilarating and full of love. This book runs deep and wide. It’s alive with arresting images, with thoughts too big, sometimes too dangerous, to pin down.’ -- Maria Tumarkin

    ‘An impressive debut … Friedmann views the world through a lens of intersectionality, and she has a sharp eye for how gender, race, and class shapes the family unit … Her language is deeply visceral, and therefore hugely affecting, when describing the feeling of pregnancy, motherhood, and mental illness … [Things That Helped] makes readers feel and think.’ - Books & Publishing

    ‘Jessica Friedmann has left safety behind and walked into something vast — a self, a world, on the verge of unravelling yet exhilarating and full of love. This book runs deep and wide. It’s alive with arresting images, with thoughts too big, sometimes too dangerous, to pin down.’ - Maria Tumarkin

    ‘Friedmann has written a brutally insightful and often heartbreaking study of the complexities of womanhood. Her transportive writing will break you open and fill you anew.’ - Anna Spargo-Ryan, author of The Paper House

    About the Author/作者介绍: 杰西卡•弗里德曼是一位定居于澳洲首都堪培拉的作者和编辑。她的散文和其他非小说涉猎广泛,均在澳洲本土和国际上有过发表。《有助之事》是第一部出版的合集回忆录散文。

    JESSICA FRIEDMANN is a Canberra-based writer and editor. Her essays and other non-fiction have appeared widely, both in Australia and internationally. Things That Helped is her first published collection.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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