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    上传日期:2017-5-2 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 11724017C00002

    English Summary/英文概要: Discover a new way of thinking about leadership – learn how anyone, at any level of an organization, can be a leader.

    Today’s business, political, and not-for-profit worlds are plagued by a leadership disease – the overly simplistic view of leadership as something that resides in one person, or a few people, who influence lower-level subordinates. This wrong-headed view of leadership is dangerous – it fosters corruption, abuse of power, and the waste of human talent. Twisted Leadership offers a cure for this leadership disease.

    The book shows you that leadership is a dynamic, complex social process, not just a role occupied by an individual at the top. You’ll learn how to combine four practical strategies – self, super, shared, and socially responsible leadership – to create a new kind leadership that can be exchanged among members of a group based on the context, goals, knowledge, experience, or general needs of the group. It’s the ultimate cure for the leadership disease. Learn:

    - How the leadership disease was originally contracted what damage it can do
    - Why today’s common approaches to leadership practice aren’t good enough
    - How to view leadership as a process, not just a role
    - How to use the four strategies of twisted leadership to treat the disease

    The book concludes with prescriptions to facilitate sustainable twisted leadership. You’ll discover how the lines between leaders and followers (who often know more and are in a better position to exercise leadership over themselves and others at key points in work processes) have become blurred. And after reading this book, you’ll see that a new kind of leadership has arrived, just in time.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 发现一种思考领导力的新方法——任何一个组织中任何级别的人都能成为领导者。






    About the Author/作者介绍: Charles C. Manz博士,是一位演说家、顾问、畅销书作家,发表了200多篇文章和学术论文以及20多本书,包括《自我领导》;《新的超级领导能力》;《分享》,《不带头》;《失败的力量》;《适合领导》;《没有老板的生意》;《耶稣的领导智慧》;《Foreword Reviews》杂志年度最佳金奖得主《情绪自律书》;及Stybel-Peabody 国家图书奖得主《超级领导力》。他的作品刊登在《华尔街日报》、《财富》、《美国新闻与世界报道》、《成功》、《今日心理学》、《快公司》等全国媒体上。他是在马萨诸塞州大学孤山管理学院教授。他的客户包括3M、福特、施乐、通用汽车、宝洁、美国运


    Craig L. Pearce博士,演说家、顾问、企业家。他发表过几十篇文章和几本书,包括《分享》《不带头》《共同领导》等。他的作品获得了许多奖项,其中包括宾夕法尼亚州立大学校友奖,并在《华尔街日报》和《金融时报》上发表。他是南阿拉巴马大学米切尔商学院的杰出教授。他曾在许多著名的大学,包括哈佛、阿姆斯特丹大学、维也纳大学、杜克大学、北京大学、基础学院等发表演说。他是伊斯坦布尔德勤领导力研究所的创始董事,曾为包括美国运通、中央情报局、路虎、Mack Trucks、熊猫快递等在内的许多企业及组织进行过咨询。他是一位领导力培养专家和领导者,从现实的领导经验中建立了创业公司。

    Charles C. Manz, Ph.D., is a speaker, consultant, and bestselling author of over 200 articles and scholarly papers and more than 20 books, including Self-Leadership; The New SuperLeadership; Share, Don’t Take the Lead; The Power of Failure; Fit to Lead; Business Without Bosses; The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus; Foreword Reviews magazine best-book-of-the-year Gold Award winner Emotional Discipline; and Stybel-Peabody National Book Prize-winner SuperLeadership. His work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, U.S. News & World Report, Success, Psychology Today, Fast Company, and other national media. He is the Nirenberg Chaired Professor of Leadership in the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Formerly a Marvin Bower Fellow at the Harvard Business School, his clients have included 3M, Ford, Xerox, General Motors, P&G, American Express, the Mayo Clinic, Banc One, the U.S. and Canadian governments, and many others.

    Craig L. Pearce, Ph.D., is a speaker, consultant, and entrepreneur. He has published scores of articles and several books, including Share, Don’t Take the Lead; The Drucker Difference; and Shared Leadership. His work has garnered many awards, including the Penn State Alumni Fellow Award, and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times Agenda. He is the Ben May Distinguished Professor at the Mitchell College of Business, University of South Alabama. He has lectured at many leading universities, including Harvard, Duke, University of Amsterdam, Vienna University, Peking University, Instituto de Empresa. He was the founding Director of the Deloitte Leadership Institute in Istanbul and has consulted for numerous organizations, including American Express, the Central Intelligence Agency, Land Rover, Mack Trucks, Panda Express, and many others. He is both a leadership development expert and a leader, drawing from real-life leadership experience building entrepreneurial firms.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:SOLD(非我们代理)

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