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    上传日期:2017-5-17 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 04289517C00006

    English Summary/英文概要: This Research Handbook explores the latest frontiers in services trade by drawing on insights from empirical economics, law and global political economy. The world’s foremost experts take stock of the learning done to date in services trade, explore policy questions bedeviling analysts and direct attention to a host of issues, old and new, confronting those interested in the service economy and its rising salience in cross-border exchange. The Research Handbook’s 22 chapters shed analytical light on a subject matter whose substantive remit continues to be shaped by rapid evolutions in technology, data gathering, market structures, consumer preferences, approaches to regulation and ongoing shifts in the frontier between the market and the state. Expert contributors explore the subject through a multidisciplinary lens, offering a comprehensive overview of lessons learned over two decades of GATS jurisprudence. The book further chronicles the rising stakes and involvement of developing countries in global services trade, notably their growing insertion in global value chains, as well as the latest advances and remaining challenges in the statistical measurement of trade in services.Academics and experts in the policy research community will find value in this book, as will officials in governmental and international organization circles as well as representatives of service sector industry associations.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 本书为关于服务业经济学的一部文集,收录21篇文章。本书按照主题分为三个部分。部分为“实证视角”,侧重服务贸易的实践工作,通过经济学理论进行案例分析来论述现代经济中服务业经济的发展状况及其影响。第二部分为“法律视角”,侧重服务贸易的法律规制,主要分析服务业经济面临的国际法和各国法律法规带来的便利与限制。第三部分为“政治经济学和发展视角”,侧重服务贸易的政策与未来发展,为现代经济中服务业发展遇到的问题出谋划策。(DB)


    ’The Research Handbook on Trade in Services is the most comprehensive study to date on one of the most relevant, albeit least explored areas, in the field of international trade policy. By adopting a multi-disciplinary approach that brings together the economic, legal and political economy perspectives of renowned experts, Pierre Sauvé and Martin Roy have made a significant contribution to better understanding trade in services. Trade policy-makers, practitioners and scholars will find solid evidence in this book to inform bold and comprehensive reforms to fully exploit the potential of the services economy.’ --- Anabel Gonzalez, World Bank Group Global Practice on Trade and Competitiveness

    About the Author/作者介绍: 该书的主编为瑞士伯尔尼大学世界贸易研究所教授皮埃尔·索尔(Pierre Sauvé)和WTO秘书处服务贸易部顾问马丁·罗伊(Martin Roy)。

    Edited by Pierre Sauve, Director of Program Development and Faculty Member, World Trade Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland and Martin Roy, Counsellor, Trade in Services and Investment Division, World Trade Organization, Switzerland


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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