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    定价:9.99 英镑
    上传日期:2005-4-4 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12100005B03236

    English Summary/英文概要: In the last year of the old millennium, Richard Mabey, Britain’s foremost nature writer, fell into a severe depression. The natural world – which since childhood had been a source of joy and inspiration for him – became meaningless.

    Then, cared for by friends, he moved to East Anglia and he started to write again. Having left the cosseting woods of the Chiltern hills for the open flatlands of Norfolk, Richard Mabey found exhilaration in discovering a whole new landscape and gained fresh insights into our place in nature.

    Structured as intricately as a novel, a joy to read, truthful, exquisite and questing, Nature Cure is a book of hope, not just for individuals, but for our species.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 上世纪最后一年,英国最重要的自然作家Richard Mabey陷入了严重的抑郁。自然曾经是他童年时期欢乐和灵感的来源,后来却变得毫无意义。

    在朋友的照顾下,他搬去了东安格利亚并重新开始写作。离开奇尔特恩丘陵来到诺福克的开阔平原,Richard Mabey欣喜地发现了一个全新的世界,并对我们在自然界的位置有了全新的认识。


    Awards/获奖情况:“一部智慧、坦率、发自内心的回忆录……记录了作者摆脱抑郁,重塑生活,与自然重新建立联系的过程,简直就是一部生活宣言……作者由阅读和观察所带来的敏锐而独特的视角显得非常乐观。他的声音也因此在各种生态环境的辩论中显得如此诱人。”——Philip Marsden,《星期日泰晤士报》

    “这是一本只有他能写作的书……字里行间都体现出细致入微的观察和深深的情感。文笔非常细腻。”——David Sexton,《标准晚报》



    "A brilliant, candid and heartfelt memoir...The account of how he broke free of depression, reshaped his life and reconnected with the wild becomes nothing short of a manifesto for living...Mabey’s particular vision, informed by a lifetime’s reading and observation, is ultimately optimistic. It is also what makes his voice so appealing amid all the froth and flam of the eco-debate" (Philip Marsden Sunday Times)

    "A book of which only he could have written a single page...marvellously observed, deeply felt from sentence to sentence. The writing is exquisite" (David Sexton, Evening Standard)

    "Subtle, devotional, poetic" (Observer)

    "Rich, invigorating and deeply restorative" (Irish Times)

    "Nature Cure moves between the nervous breakdown of an individual and the madness of the modern world with a prescience akin to that of T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land" (Jonathan Bate Guardian)

    "Mabey is a radical, inheritor of an old English tradition...The core of the book is his exploration of his new landscape. It feels a privilege to share it, watching him unpick the layers of watery Norfolk, with dazzling skill and the warmest of hearts, as his troubled mind heals" (Michael McCarthy Independent)

    "Written in the radiant, tingle-making prose that has earned Mabey literary prizes and a multitude of fans... both a wake-up call and an example of how the love of nature can electrify and heal the imagination." (Val Hennessy Daily Mail)

    "An inspiring book" (Nicholas Bagnall Sunday Telegraph)

    "Britain’s greatest living nature writer" (The Times)

    About the Author/作者介绍: 理查德??梅比(Richard Mabey),英国博物学作家、记者、主持人,致力于探讨自然和文化的关系,20世纪80年代曾任英国自然保护委员会顾问,2011年被选为皇家文学学会会员。他凭借《吉尔伯特??怀特》荣获1986年惠特布雷德传记奖,畅销作品《植物大英百科全书》荣获大英图书奖等多项大奖,《免费的食物》《非正式的乡村》《黑暗中的鸣叫》等著作皆获高度评价。他还是《泰晤士报》《卫报》《独立报》园艺专栏作家,英国广播公司电视系列片《来自乡间的明信片》的总撰稿人和制片人。


    Richard Mabey is a naturalist and award-winning author and journalist. He won wide acclaim on the publication of the original Food for Free in 1972 - which has never been out of print since - and again with the publication of the colour edition in 1989. Among his many other acclaimed publications are Gilbert White (Whitbread Biography of the Year) and the ground-breaking bestseller Flora Britannica, which won the British Book Awards’ Illustrated Book of the Year and the Botanical Society of the British Isles’ President’s Award and was runner-up for the BP Natural World Book Prize. He collaborated with Mark Cocker on Birds Britannica, and his book Nature Cure, described as ’a brilliant, candid and heartfelt memoir’, was shortlisted for four prestigious prizes: the Whitbread Biography, the J.R. Ackerley for autobiography, Mind (for its investigation into depression) and the Ondaatje for the evocation of the spirit of place. He is an active member of national and local conservation groups and lives in Norfolk.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:SOLD

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

    Sales in other countries/其他国家销售情况:UK Vintage US University of Virginia Press Estonia Huma Germany Matthes & Seitz Italy Einaudi, Japan Villagebooks Sweden Constant Reader


