Book ID/图书代码: 043000B001348
English Summary/英文概要: Best known as the author of 26 novels, Iris Murdoch was also an accomplished essayist and critic who taught philosophy for many years at Oxford University. This work gathers for the first time in one volume her most influential essays and shorter pieces. Included are her major critiques of existentialism written in the 1950s, her two Platonic dialogues on art and religion, incisive evaluations of the writings of T.S. Eliot, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Simone de Bauvoir, and Elias Canetti, as well as key texts on the continuing importance of the sublime, on the concept of love, and of the role great literature can play in curing the ills of philosophy. This volume confirms Iris Murdoch’s major contributions to the literature and thought of the 20th century.
Chinese Summary/中文概要: 艾莉絲.默多克因她的26本小說而聞名於世,不僅如此,她還是一位成就非凡的隨筆作家兼評論家。這本選集第一次將艾莉絲所有影響重大的隨筆和短片故事集中起來,其中包括她在20世紀50年代針對存在主義所發表的評論文章,兩篇關於藝術與宗教的柏拉圖式對話,對艾略特、讓.保羅.沙特、阿爾貝.加繆,西蒙娜以及伊萊納斯.卡內提等人著作的尖銳評價,以及作者探討崇高,愛情和文學的關鍵著作。艾莉絲認為崇高的思想具有經久不衰的重要性,偉大的文學作品可以治癒哲學的弊病。
Awards/获奖情况:The Booker Prize Best Novel nominee (1969): The Nice and the Good
The Booker Prize Best Novel nominee (1970): Bruno’s Dream
James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Fiction Best Novel winner (1973) : The Black Prince
The Booker Prize Best Novel nominee (1973): The Black Prince
Whitbread Prize Best Novel winner (1974): The Sacred and Profane Love Machine
The Booker Prize Best Novel winner (1978): The Sea, the Sea
The Booker Prize Best Novel nominee (1985): The Good Apprentice
The Booker Prize Best Novel nominee (1987): The Book and the Brotherhood
Most readers think of Murdoch first as a novelist, but as this excellent anthology makes clear, she is an outstanding philosopher as well. After World War II, she established herself as an authority on existentialism, though she did not herself accept this doctrine, viewing it as stressing human autonomy to an undue degree. She locates a similar failing in much contemporary analytic moral philosophy. Instead, she thinks of values as objective: human beings contemplate them rather than create them. Her philosophy culminates in a nontheistic mysticism bearing strong affinities to Plato. The best introduction available to an important and unusual thinker; for all academic and most public libraries.---David Gordon, Bowling Green State Univ., Ohio, From Library Journal
In his foreword to the first-ever collection of Murdoch’s essays, George Steiner writes that for Murdoch, "philosophy and literature have been strictly inseparable." So true, and attributable, in part, to Murdoch’s temperament and intellect, but also to the fact that both fiction and philosophy are the fruits of clear and inspired thinking and writing. Murdoch explores this theme in essays titled "Thinking and Language" and "Against Dryness," and as an integral element in many of her authoritative and spine-straightening ruminations on the connections between aesthetics and morality. A cosmopolitan thinker as fluent in poetry as in ethics, Murdoch considers the writings of Plato, Kant, Hume, Sartre, T. S. Eliot, and Simone Weil with assiduous concentration. Editor Peter Conradi has taken pains to organize Murdoch’s essays, an interview, two radio broadcasts, plays, lectures, and reviews to "illustrate her particular philosophical journey," and there is, indeed, a palpable progression of thought as Murdoch’s skepticism toward existentialism leads her to seek higher moral ground in the contemplation of mysticism and the essential mystery of love.---Donna Seaman, From Booklist
About the Author/作者介绍: Iris Murdoch was born in Dublin in 1919 of Anglo-Irish parents. She went to Badminton School, Bristol, and read classics at Somerville College, Oxford. In 1948 she returned to Oxford where she became a fellow of St Anne’s college. Awarded the CBE in 1976, Iris Murdoch was made a DBE in the 1987 New Year’s Honours List. She died in February 1999.
艾麗絲•默多克女爵士(Iris Murdoch,1919-1999年),愛爾蘭小說家。在作品中她審視了自由、愛、性、道德以及命運之間的關係。她以敘述技巧、機智和獨創性而著稱。她的小說經常關注哲學的困境,情節構思精細而複雜,人物具有象徵意義。《鐘》(The Bell)(1958年)是她最知名的作品,書中描寫了一個世俗宗教團體的明爭暗鬥。默多克出生於都柏林,1942年畢業于牛津大學,1987年被授予大英帝國女勳爵頭銜。她一生創作頗豐,有二十五部小說、六個劇本、一冊詩集及五部哲學著作問世。由其丈夫約翰•貝雷(John Bayley)所著的回憶錄《挽歌獻愛妻》改編而成的電影《艾麗絲的情書》,在第五十二屆柏林電影節上備受追捧,轟動一時。
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