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    上传日期:2018-3-2 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 10418018C00006

    English Summary/英文概要: Indulge your curiosity with this humorous and fascinating book that demystifies the surprising myths about space.

    In the latest book from the Everything You Know is Wrong series, Matt Brown brings you a compendium of amazing facts about our planet, the universe, and everything in between! Thanks to popular sci-fi films and TV shows, there have been many misconceptions about the cosmos – from travelling through worm-holes to blowing up asteroids. In Everything You Know About Space is Wrong, you’ll find a plethora of myths, legends and misquotes that have shaped the way you view the universe today. Think that the vacuum of space would make your blood boil and your head explode? It won’t, and there have been people who have survived without wearing a suit in space. Think that astronauts float in space because there is zero-gravity? They’re actually constantly falling towards the Earth. Think that the colour of space is black? It’s actually predominantly green.

    Chock-full of facts about the cosmos, how it works (and how it doesn’t!), this illuminating book will guide you through the mine of misinformation to answer such questions as whether we will meet aliens in our lifetime (SETI predicts we’ll find evidence of ET by 2040!), what happens in the centre of the black hole, and why Mercury is not the hottest planet in the solar system. Discovering untruths about popular science, Everthing You Know About Space is Wrong provides a hugely entertaining insight into our universe.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 在‘你所知道的一切都是错的’系列最新一书中个,Matt Brown向你展示了你一份关于我们的星球,宇宙,和一切的惊人事实!多亏了流行的科幻电影和电视剧, 人们对宇宙有了许多误解。从穿越虫洞到炸毁小行星。在本书中,你将会发现造成你今日看待宇宙方式的大量的神话,传说和错误的说法。想想真空的空间会让你的血液沸腾,你的脑袋会爆炸吗?不会,也有一些人在没有穿太空宇航服的情况下幸存了下来。想想宇航员在太空中漂浮是因为没有重力?它们实际上一直在向地球坠落。认为空间的颜色是黑色的?其实主要是绿色的。 充满了关于宇宙的大量事实, 它是如何工作的 (以及它是如何运作的), 这本有启发性的书将引导你通过错误的信息来回答诸如我们是否会在有生之年遇见外星人这样的问题(SETI预测我们将在2040年找到外星人的证据!)。黑洞的中心会发生什么, 为什么水星不是太阳系中最热的行星。发现关于大众科学下的不真实, 《你所知道空间的一切都是错的》为我们的宇宙提供了一个非常有趣的视角。(Sandy)


    About the Author/作者介绍: Matt Brown拥有诺丁汉大学化学理科学和曼彻斯特大学生物学硕士学位。他曾在里德爱思唯尔和自然出版集团担任科学编辑和作家,并著有几本科学书籍。Matt曾担任英国皇家研究院,曼彻斯特科学博物馆,STEMPRA和亨特博物馆,广播电视问答比赛的主持人多年。最近,他在伦敦眼摩天轮举办了一次关于迈克尔法拉第的讲座。与喜剧演员Helen Keen,共同主持了大获成功的科学类舞台节目‘太空之星’,这部作品最终在2013在莱斯特广场剧院上演。Matt还出版了《 London Day and Night (2015, Batsford),》以及即将发表的《 Everything You Know About London is Wrong》 和 《Everything You Know About England is Wrong (also from Batsford)》。同时,他还是Londonist.com.网站的特约编辑。

    Matt Brown has worked as a scientific editor, writer and event host, working for Reed Elsevier and Nature Publishing Group. He served as the Royal Institution’s quizmaster for three years, and has also put on science quizzes for the Royal Society, Manchester Science Museum and the Hunterian Museum. As well as making contributions to several popular science books, Matt has also written extensively about London. His previous solo books include Everything You Know About London is Wrong, Everything You Know About Science is Wrong and Everything You Know About Art is Wrong, also published by Batsford. He remains Editor-at-Large of Londonist.com.


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