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    上传日期:2018-4-19 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 13005418C00003

    English Summary/英文概要: In 1950’s South Africa, free-spirited Amina has broken all the rules of her own conventional Indian community, and the new apartheid-led government, by running a café with Jacob her ’coloured’ business partner. When she meets Miriam, a young wife and mother, their unexpected attraction pushes Miriam to question the rules that bind her and a chain of events is set in motion that changes both women forever. The World Unseen transports us to a vibrant, colourful world, a world that divides white from black and women from men, but one that might just allow an unexpected love to survive.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 五十年代的南非,正是种族隔离制度执行时期。影片讲述在这样特别的时代下,一位名叫米里亚姆与另一位名叫阿米拉之间的特别情感。米里亚姆的婚姻生活并不幸福,她发现丈夫与其大嫂偷情,唯有隐忍。直到一身牛仔打扮的阿米拉出现在她压抑恪守的生活中,两个美丽的女人一见钟情。拥有反抗精神的阿米拉是坚决反对种族隔离制度的人,这也正是吸引米里亚姆的地方。两个女人之间这微妙而细腻的情感,都在指尖的每一次轻佻中,在眼神的每一次凝视里。她们超越的不仅是性别的屏障,还有种族的阻隔。。。

    Awards/获奖情况: It is an impressive debut. Sarif’s story brings together the descriptive power of the novelist with the screenwriter’s mastery of dialogue." --The Times

    "I read The World Unseen at a gulp, so entrancing is it’s style, so complete it’s tale of love and betrayal, and so accurate it’s depiction of the physical, social and political scene..." --Johannesburg Star - Book of the Week

    "Sarif’s elegant and understated debut eschews emotional fireworks, and offers an unusual insight into early apartheid . . . a novel that lives up to its title" --The Times - Play

    "In the tradition of Vikram Seth, Sarif throws down a literary gauntlet that very few writers will be able to pick and return with any conviction." Pride --Pride

    "This is a stylishly written work. Sarif is near faultless." --India Weekly --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

    About the Author/作者介绍: 作家兼导演的谢米姆•萨尔弗是近年来少见的博学多才的女人之一。她不仅是个非常成功的作家,同时也是个出色的剧本作家和电影导演。她擅长创作短篇小说,而且能成功地改编小说将其搬上大银幕。她同时也执导MV和为音乐填词。她和她的同性爱人兼制片人汉娜•卡坦一起经营着她们的Enlightenment公司。   谢米姆•萨尔弗执导的《看不见的世界》和《同心难改》不仅是同时制作的,而且同时于2008年11月在北美和加拿大上映。在多伦多电影节首映之后,《看不见的世界》已经获得了8个国际奖项,包括2个观众奖项,2个最佳导演奖项和3个最佳电影奖,并且在2009年的南非电影节一连串获得了11个奖项。《同心难改》是棕榈泉电影节的开幕影片,获得过2个电影节奖项。 Shamim Sarif和Hanan Kattan既是在工作事业上的最佳拍档,也在生活上的亲密无间的最佳伴侣,一起经营着她们的Enlightenment公司,很是令人羡慕。Hanan Kattan是一个来自约旦的有着基督教背景的巴勒斯坦女人,她打破了中东的传统和文化障碍,成为一个成功的商人和她自己电影制片公司的制片人。

    Shamim Sarif is a novelist, screenwriter and film director. She recently wrote and directed the motion picture adaptation of her own novel, The World Unseen. She is also the writer/director of the feature film, I Can’t Think Straight, which is based on her novel of the same name. She is the author of the novel Despite the Falling Snow. She lives in London with her partner Hanan and their two children.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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