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    上传日期:2018-4-27 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12800118C00002

    English Summary/英文概要: Hotel Malta is a fascinating tale of love and hope, the story of Ernest and Eva Bloom whose lives were upended by World War II, and of Amotz, their grandson, whose marriage is disintegrating, while expecting the birth of his first child. Compelled by an overpowering urge, Ernest makes an intriguing request of his grandson that returns him to a fraught period in his life, rekindling the memory of three distant, stormy, passionate days in Naples in the 1950s. This request alters not only Ernest Bloom’s life but also the lives of others, both close and distant. The book raises many questions: How can three days of bliss be weighed against an entire life, and what is love, after all? How does an author find her place in the lives of her characters? And perhaps the most heartbreaking question of all – is it possible to die of happiness?

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 中文简介: 《马耳他酒店》是一个迷人的爱情和希望故事, 讲述了因二战的爆发欧内斯特和伊娃的生活所遭遇的倾轧,其生命被第二次世界大战推翻, 和他们的孙子阿莫茨, 在期待第一个孩子的诞生的同时,所面临的婚姻的破碎。在强烈的欲望的驱使下, 欧内斯特向他的孙子提出了一个有趣的要求,让他回到了他生命中充满焦虑的时期。重建了上世纪50年代那不勒斯的三个遥远的、暴风雨的、充满激情的日子。这一要求不仅改变了欧内斯特. 布鲁姆的生活, 也改变了其他人的生活,无论是亲密的还是疏离的。 这本书提出了许多问题: 三天的幸福如何与整个生命相权衡,到底什么是爱呢?一个作者如何在她的角色的生活中找到自己的位置?也许最让人心碎的问题是,是否有可能死于幸福?(Sandy)


    About the Author/作者介绍: Edna Shemesh 于1953年在罗马尼亚出生, 五岁时和家人移居以色列。她拥有耶路撒冷希伯来大学的英国文学和戏剧研究学士学位。Shemesh是一名讲师,希伯来语-英语的互译者; 同时她也是以色列希伯来语和英语报刊的自由记者。她的短篇小说发表在一些文学期刊上。Shemesh已经接受了教科文组织 (法国, 2002) 主办的地中海妇女作家奖, 并获得了 Iton 77 (2004) 文学期刊举办的短篇小说大赛一等奖。她的短篇故事集《阿姆斯特河》入围著名的萨皮尔文学奖 (2008), 并在 2017年, 她收到了麦克道威尔奖学金

    Edna Shemesh, author of Amstel, The Sand Dunes of Paris, Hotel Malta and Go, Pave the Sea, is a winner of UNESCO’s international Women of Mediterranean Short Story competition, shortlisted for the prestigious Sapir Prize for Israeli fiction, twice winner of the ‘Am Hassefer’ Translation Prize of the Israeli Ministry of Culture, and has translated into Hebrew such books as Barack Obama’s Dreams from My Father and Burning Bright by Tracy Chevalier. Edna Shemesh lives with her family in Rehovot, Israel.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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