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    上传日期:2018-6-13 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 03890018C00004

    English Summary/英文概要: The beloved author of Forever Fifty and Suddenly Sixty tackles the ins and outs of becoming a septuagenarian with wry good humor. Fans of Viorst’s funny, touching, and wise decades poems will love these verses filled with witty advice and reflections on marriage, milestones, and middle-aged children.

    Viorst explores, among the many other issues of this stage of life, the state of our sex lives and teeth, how we can stay married though thermostatically incompatible, and the joys of grandparenthood and shopping. Readers will nod with rueful recognition when she asks, "Am I required to think of myself as a basically shallow woman because I feel better when my hair looks good?," when she presses a few helpful suggestions on her kids because "they may be middle aged, but they’re still my children," and when she graciously--but not too graciously--selects her husband’s next mate in a poem deliciously subtitled "If I Should Die Before I Wake, Here’s the Wife You Next Should Take." Though Viorst acknowledges she is definitely not a good sport about the fact that she is mortal, her poems are full of the pleasures of life right now, helping us come to terms with the passage of time, encouraging us to keep trying to fix the world, and inviting us to consider "drinking wine, making love, laughing hard, caring hard, and learning a new trick or two as part of our job description at seventy."

    I’m Too Young to Be Seventy is a joy to read and makes a heartwarming gift for anyone who has reached or is soon to reach that--it’s not so bad after all--seventh decade.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 维奥斯特探索了人生这个阶段的许多其他问题,包括我们的性生活和牙齿的状态,我们如何在水火不相容的情况下维持婚姻,以及祖父母和购物的乐趣。 当她问道:“难道我必须把自己看成一个肤浅的女人,就因为当我的头发看起来不错的时候我感觉更好?”读者会无奈地点头表示认可...当她给孩子们提出一些有用的建议时,因为“他们可能已经中年了,但他们仍然是我的孩子,”而当她优雅地——但不是太优雅地——选择她丈夫的下一个伴侣时,她在一首诗中巧妙地配上了副标题:“如果我在醒来之前死去,这是你下一个应该娶的妻子。”尽管维奥斯特认识到自己不是一个好的运动员,因为她是个凡人,但她的诗歌充满了生活的乐趣,帮助我们接受时间的流逝,鼓励我们继续努力去改变这个世界,并邀请我们考虑“在70岁时,把喝酒、享受爱意、开怀大笑、关爱他人以及学习一两个新技巧,作为工作职责的一部分。”


    About the Author/作者介绍: 朱迪斯·维奥斯特(Judith Viorst)出生并在美国新泽西长大,毕业于罗格斯大学,后搬至格林威治村(美国纽约曼哈顿的区,艺术家、作家等的聚居地),1960年嫁于政治作家米尔顿·维奥斯特(Milton Viorst)以来,她一直住在华盛顿特区。作者有三儿七个孙子。毕业于华盛顿犀利分析研究生,维奥斯特发表过横跨很多领域的作品:包括最受欢迎的儿童画册“亚历山大和可怕的,可怕的,不好的,非常糟糕的一天”(Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day);成人小说和非小说,儿童和成人诗歌,音乐剧。2011年,获得由“美国女性及家庭研究中心”颁发的“终生成就鼻祖奖”,被誉为“缺失心理学之母”,是美国当下最受追捧的女性心理学大师。

    Judith Viorst was born and brought up in New Jersey and has lived in Washington, DC, since 1960, when she married Milton Viorst, a political writer. A graduate in 1981 of the Washington Psychoanalytic Institute, Viorst writes in many different areas: science books, children’s chapter and picture books--including the beloved Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, which has sold some four million copies; adult fiction and nonfiction including the New York Times bestseller, Necessary Losses; poetry for children and adults; and four musicals. Her most recent books of poetry include What Are You Glad About? What Are You Mad About? and Nearing Ninety.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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