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    上传日期:2018-7-30 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 13560018C00137

    English Summary/英文概要: In Donald Trump’s America, protesting has roared back into fashion. The Women’s March, held the day after Trump’s inauguration, may have been the largest in American history, and resonated around the world. Between Trump’s tweets and the march’s popularity, it is clear that displays of anger dominate American politics once again. There is an extensive body of research on protest, but the focus has mostly been on the calculating brain--a byproduct of structuralism and cognitive studies--and less on the feeling brain. James M. Jasper’s work changes that, as he pushes the boundaries of our present understanding of the social world. In The Emotions of Protest, Jasper lays out his argument, showing that it is impossible to separate cognition and emotion. At a minimum, he says, we cannot understand the Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street or pro and anti-Trump rallies without first studying the fears and anger, moral outrage, and patterns of hate and love that their members feel. This is a book centered on protest, but Jasper also points toward broader paths of inquiry that have the power to transform the way social scientists picture social life and action. Through emotions, he says, we are embedded in a variety of environmental, bodily, social, moral, and temporal contexts, as we feel our way both consciously and unconsciously toward some things and away from others. Politics and collective action have always been a kind of laboratory for working out models of human action more generally, and emotions are no exception. Both hearts and minds rely on the same feelings racing through our central nervous systems. Protestors have emotions, like everyone else, but theirs are thinking hearts, not bleeding hearts. Brains can feel, and hearts can think.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 在唐纳德.特朗普掌权下的美国,民众抗议卷重来,已然演变成了一种社会风气。就在特朗普宣誓就职的第二天,美国爆发了历史上规模最大的一场女性游行,引起了全世界的共鸣。对比特朗普在推特的言论和这次游行的广泛性,显然发泄愤怒再一次了掌控了美国政治。尽管已有大量关于民众抗议的研究,但是多数还是聚焦于理性脑(结构主义和认知研究的副产品),而非情绪脑。詹姆斯M.加斯帕的作品改变了当前的研究局面,因为他打破了我们对于社会认识的界限。在《抗议中的情绪》一书中,加斯帕据理力争,表明认知与情绪无法分开来谈论。至少,他说,我们如果不事先研究参与者的恐惧,愤怒,道德恐慌和爱憎模式,那么我们就无法理解茶党运动,占领华尔街运动以及支持或者反对特朗普的运动发生的原因。虽然本书的着重点在于探讨抗议,但是加斯帕也指出了更为深远的的探索之道,足以令社会科学家们改变他们研究社会生活和行为方面的方式方法。作者认为,在我们不知不觉地支持或者反对某些事物的时候,情绪将我们嵌入一个融合了环境因素,生理因素,社会道德以及世俗观念的多样化环境中。我们通常将政治和集体行动作为研究人类行为模式的媒介,其实情绪也可以起到同样的作用。心绪和思维均基于同一种源自人类中枢神经系统的情感。抗议者也有情绪,就像其他人一样。但是他们的情绪是理性的,而非不能自己。大脑可以感知,而内心可以思考。(XMM)


    "This is the big systematic theory book we’ve been waiting for about emotions in politics, and indeed, in all social action. Emotions are short-run outbursts (what we usually think of as emotions), but also medium-run energizing or de-energizing moods, and long-run affective commitments and moral visions that constitute the meanings of our cognitions about the world. The combination of these different time-scales sometimes makes us later regret short-run feelings, or disrupts how individuals get along with their group. But the feeling/thinking blend is inescapably fateful for whatever happens. Jasper makes a big advance for theory of emotions, using social protests as a key research site."--Randall Collins, University of Pennsylvania

    "Jasper has been a pioneer in the field of emotions in protest and this book is the crowning achievement of his work."--Linus Owens, Middlebury College

    About the Author/作者介绍: 詹姆斯M.加斯帕是纽约城市大学的研究生学院的一名社会学老师,发行过多部作品,包括芝加哥大学出版社出版的《道德反抗的艺术》与《做自己》。

    James M. Jasper teaches sociology at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. He is the author of many books, including The Art of Moral Protest and Getting Your Way, both published by the University of Chicago Press.


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