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    定价:0.00 美元
    上传日期:2018-10-11 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12844018C00044

    English Summary/英文概要: This is a journey through the troublesome aftermath of the Arab Spring. A former Syrian refugee himself, Ramadan unveils an enthralling tale of courage that weaves through the mountains of Syria, the valleys of Lebanon, the encircling seas of Turkey, the heat of Egypt and finally, the hope of a new home in Canada. Inspired by One Thousand and One Nights, this book tells the epic story of two lovers anchored to the memory of a dying Syria. One is a Hakawati, a storyteller, keeping life in forward motion by relaying remembered fables to his dying partner. Each night he weaves stories of his childhood in Damascus, of the cruelty he has endured for his sexuality, of leaving home, of war, of his fated meeting with his lover. Meanwhile Death himself, in his dark cloak, shares the house with the two men, eavesdropping on their secrets as he awaits their final undoing.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 本书将带领读者感受“阿拉伯之春”后的震荡生活。前叙利亚难民 Ramadan将为大家呈现一个关于勇气的故事,经历并跨越了叙利亚的山脉、黎巴嫩的山谷、土耳其的海岸和埃及的热浪,最后带着在加拿大建立一个新家的渴望。在《一千零一夜》的启发下,本书讲述了两个恋人之间史诗般的故事,而他们的命运与垂死的叙利亚紧密相连。说故事的人叫Hakawati,他将自己记得的传说讲述给自己垂死的伙伴听。每天晚上,他将大马士革的童年、所遭受的酷刑、离家的思念和战争、与爱人命运版的相遇都编成了故事。与此同时,披着黑色斗篷的死神和两个人同住一间房子,一边偷听这他们的秘密,一边等待他们最后的死亡。(LYR)

    Awards/获奖情况:“从大马士革到开罗,从贝鲁特到温哥华,到处都是患有精神疾病的人物,他们因为压迫政权失去了家人或部分的自己,他们因性别或性取向而面临迫害,他们或逃离或忍受战争……本书将这些故事编织在了一起,体现了技巧和艺术性的结合。虽然每个故事都是相对独立的,但 Ramadan对意象的精妙运用将这些故事联系在了一起,赋予它们意义和情感,与读者产生共鸣。”——《出版人周刊》

    "Stretching from Damascus to Cairo, Beirut to Vancouver, and populated with characters who suffer from mental illness, who have lost family or bits of themselves to oppressive regimes, who faced persecution because of their gender or sexuality, who fled or have endured war, these stories are woven together with skill and artistry. While each story is autonomous, Ramadan’s delicate use of imagery links these narratives, allowing them to reverberate with meaning and emotion." -- Publishers Weekly

    About the Author/作者介绍: Ahmad Danny Ramadan是一位经验丰富的记者,他在《华盛顿邮报》《卫报》和《外交政策》中发表署名文章。他与中东组织合作的经历以及他作为叙利亚难民的个人经历使其对志愿服务、民主、社会正义和LGBTQ难民的权利充满热情。他曾创作过两部阿拉伯语短篇小说集。本书是他的第一部英文小说。他住在不列颠哥伦比亚省的温哥华。

    Ahmad Danny Ramadan is an experienced journalist with bylines in the Washington Post, The Guardian and Foreign Policy. His history of working with organizations in the Middle East as well as his personal experience as a Syrian refugee have made Ramadan passionate about volunteerism, democracy, social justice and LGBTQ refugees’ rights. He is currently the Community Outreach Coordinator of QMUNITY, British Columbia’s Queer Resource Centre. He was also the Grand Marshal for Vancouver’s Gay Pride Parade 2016. He has previously authored two collections of short stories in Arabic. The Clothesline Swing is his first novel in English. He lives in Vancouver, BC.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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