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    定价:26.00 美元
    上传日期:2005-6-3 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 00500005B04153

    English Summary/英文概要: "Wabenzi" is the Swahili word for a member of the Mercedes-owning class. Some time ago, Rafi Zabor sat down to write a brief narrative of 1986, the year he set out across two continents in a used Mercedes to buy a gravestone for his friend Mahmoud Rauf and to outrun the shadow of his own parents’ recent deaths. But like a boat against the current, the writer was drawn back into the past: his father’s escape from the Nazis; his own Brooklyn boyhood surrounded by the fractious Zabors and Zaborovskys; and the anguished—and sometimes farcical—journey that led Zabor from New York to Turkey by way of John Coltrane, the thirteenth-century mystic Muhyiddin Ibn ’Arabi, the McGovern campaign, and the cataclysmic months Zabor spent studying (and whirling) among a band of Sufis in rural England. Lying somewhere between Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and Tristram Shandy, this jaw-droppingly virtuosic, vivid, and capacious narrative—the first of four projected volumes—deals with an expanded range of human experience, from matters of life and death to a piece of what lies beyond them. It lifts a corner of the known world as if it were the edge of a curtain, and begins to show a reality, new to our literature, gleaming on the other side.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 斯瓦希里语里的瓦本茨人就是指那些拥有梅赛德斯-奔驰有钱一族们,不久以前, Rafi Zabor安安心心坐下来把1986年的那段简短的故事写了下来,那一年他开着辆老爷奔驰车横跨两大洲就是为了给自己的朋友买快墓碑,当然也想摆脱父母双亲亡故的阴影。但是就像逆流而上的泛舟一样,作者的思绪不经意间被拉回到了过去:往事一幕幕出现在眼前,爸爸九死一生从纳粹的尖刀下捡了条小命;他在布鲁克林度过的童年就是围绕在倔强的Zabor和Zaborovsky两家人之间展开的;一场痛苦甚至略带闹剧色彩的旅行----他沿着约翰·柯传尼的足迹一路从纽约跋涉至土耳其,还有神秘的十三世纪Muhyiddin Ibn ’Arabi教会、麦戈文运动 以及Zabor在伦敦乡村与一帮苏非派禁欲神秘主义者共同学习的波澜不惊的几个月。 这本表现手法精湛得足以让人掉下巴的生动、大气的作品间于《禅宗和摩托车保养艺术》和《Tristram Shandy》之间。《瓦本茨一族》预计要出四本,这是其中的第一本,它探讨了人类生活中的衍生层面,从生死谈到他们背后隐讳的问题,它仿佛揭开了已知世界的一角,把真相展现个了大家,这是文坛中的新生事物,熠熠生辉。


    About the Author/作者介绍: "Wabenzi" is the Swahili word for a member of the Mercedes-owning class. Some time ago, Rafi Zabor sat down to write a brief narrative of 1986, the year he set out across two continents in a used Mercedes to buy a gravestone for his friend Mahmoud Rauf and to outrun the shadow of his own parents’ recent deaths. But like a boat against the current, the writer was drawn back into the past: his father’s escape from the Nazis; his own Brooklyn boyhood surrounded by the fractious Zabors and Zaborovskys; and the anguished—and sometimes farcical—journey that led Zabor from New York to Turkey by way of John Coltrane, the thirteenth-century mystic Muhyiddin Ibn ’Arabi, the McGovern campaign, and the cataclysmic months Zabor spent studying (and whirling) among a band of Sufis in rural England. Lying somewhere between Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and Tristram Shandy, this jaw-droppingly virtuosic, vivid, and capacious narrative—the first of four projected volumes—deals with an expanded range of human experience, from matters of life and death to a piece of what lies beyond them. It lifts a corner of the known world as if it were the edge of a curtain, and begins to show a reality, new to our literature, gleaming on the other side.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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