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    上传日期:2018-10-25 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12861018C00036

    English Summary/英文概要: The majority of Americans do not have a few thousand dollars to weather an unexpected illness, job loss, or accident. Most Americans, including 80 percent of people of color, are locked out of the mainstream economy, unable to add their talents, work, and dreams, unable to share in the bounty of this economy. Without a nest egg most Americans cannot invest in their future--and the future of our country--through saving, entrepreneurship, education, and homeownership. We can--and we should--do better.

    Longtime leader in the field of asset-building Robert E. Friedman demonstrates how a few simple policy changes would address wealth inequality--and build a better economy and a stronger country for us all. In six sharp, compelling chapters, accented by sixteen original black-and-white illustrations by Rohan Eason that present the realities of income and asset inequality and explain the needed policy interventions, Friedman addresses savings, business, education, home, and prosperity to articulate a vision for making inclusive investments without spending an additional dollar, just by transforming tax subsidies for the wealthy few into seeds for prosperity for everyone. This is an investment with a huge return: the redemption of the American promise of prosperity for all.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 大多数美国人都没有几千美元来应对意外疾病、失业或意外事故。大多数美国人,包括80%的有色人种,被排除在主流经济之外的人,不能施展自己的才华、工作和梦想,不能分享这个经济带来的红利。大多数美国人不能通过储蓄、创业、教育和自有住房来投资他们的未来和我们国家的未来。我们可以——而且我们应该——做得更好。

    资产建设领域专家Robert E. Friedman指出一些简单的政策变化将如何解决财富不平等问题,并为我们所有人建设一个更好的经济和更强大的国家。作者通过六个尖锐而引人注目的章节,搭配Rohan Eason的16幅原创黑白插图,强调了收入和资产不平等的现实,并解释了必要的政策干预,阐述了储蓄、商业、教育、家庭和繁荣,指出可通过把给少数富人的税收补贴转变为给每个人带来繁荣的种子,在不增加开支的情况下进行包容性投资。这是一项具有巨大回报的投资,也是美国承诺实现共同繁荣这一承诺的救赎之举。(LYR)



    “坏消息是,联合国刚刚宣布,美国的收入差距是所有西方国家中最大的。好消息是,Robert Friedman刚刚出版了《几千美元:共同繁荣》,证明了低收入和非常贫困的人们如果有机会,也会开始创业、接受教育、买房。他给我们提供了一个摆脱差距和绝望的路线图。”——Gloria Steinem

    Praise for A Few Thousand Dollars "A welcome antidote to wealth inequality."--Ms. Magazine

    "A welcome plan from a wealthy man with empathy for the less fortunate."--Kirkus Reviews

    "Here’s the bad news: The United Nations has just announced that the United States has the biggest income disparity of any Western nation. Here’s the good news: Robert Friedman has just published A Few Thousand Dollars: Sparking Prosperity for Everyone, proof positive that low-income and very poor people will start businesses, seek education, and buy and keep homes given any chance. He has done this all of his activist life, and now he has given us a road map out of division and despair." --Gloria Steinem

    About the Author/作者介绍: Robert E. Friedman,Prosperity Now创始人和名誉主席,其前身为企业发展公司(CFED),成立于1979年,是一个国民经济发展的非营利组织。他帮助创建了美国微型企业、储蓄和资产建设领域以及国际企业发展和儿童储蓄领域。现在住在加利福尼亚的圣马特奥。

    Robert E. Friedman is founder and chair emeritus of Prosperity Now, formerly the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED), a national economic development nonprofit founded in 1979. He helped create the U.S. microenterprise and savings and asset-building fields and the international enterprise development and child savings fields. He lives in San Mateo, California.


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