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    定价:0.00 美元
    上传日期:2018-10-30 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 13186018C00084

    English Summary/英文概要: “A retelling of C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, this novel gives us a glimpse of how the Pevensies must have struggled once they resumed their mundane lives in the ‘real world.’ In Weymouth’s story, the Hapwell siblings have returned to a barely post-World War II England from a magical realm called the Woodland. Youngest sibling Evelyn can’t find home in the world to which she was born, while her older sister Philippa dives headfirst into her old life to escape the world she left behind. Told from both sisters’ perspectives, The Light Between Worlds is a lyrical exploration of one’s true place—among the people we love, within ourselves, or in woodland realms beyond our ken—and the lengths we will go to chase it.”

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 这部小说就像是C.S.刘易斯《狮子、女巫和衣橱》的翻版,让我们看到了 Pevensies一家一旦回到“真实世界”开始世俗生活后所必须经历的挣扎。在Weymouth的故事中,Hapwell兄弟姐妹们从一个叫做Woodland的神奇之地回到了二战后的英国。最小的Evelyn无法在这个她出生的地方找到归属感,而她的姐姐Philippa则一头扎进了过往的生活逃避她离开的那个神奇世界。小说以两姐妹的视角展开叙述,诗意地探索了一个在我们所爱的人之间,在我们内心深处的真实世界,以及我们为了到达这个世界愿意付出的代价。(LYR)

    Awards/获奖情况:Indie Next2018秋季十佳童书第二名



    “对正在寻找日常生活中的魔法的人来说是一个完美的故事,它会令你心碎,又让它重新变得完整。作者给自己的文字施了魔法,引人入胜。”——Sarah Glenn Marsh,作家

    “优美动人,引人入胜,是一个有关兄弟姐妹之间的爱、对魔法的信念和发现自我归属的故事。”——Sarah Glenn Marsh,作家

    #2 on Indie Next’s Top 10 Kids’ Books of Fall 2018

    A Fall 2018 Junior Library Guild Selection Featured in Publishers Weekly’s Shelftalker column

    Featured in the American Booksellers’

    Association’s Bookselling This Week

    ⭐ “In this love letter to portal fantasies and Narnia, Weymouth infuses her characters with a rich panoply of emotions set against wartime England. A shining thread of hope and healing mitigates the book’s heartbreak and underlying trauma, suggesting a bright future for all involved.” (Publishers Weekly (starred review))

    “The perfect story for anyone who’s ever searched for magic in the everyday, THE LIGHT BETWEEN WORLDS will break your heart and then make it whole again. Laura Weymouth wields words like she’s casting spells, and the result is utterly enchanting.” (Sarah Glenn Marsh, author of the Reign of the Fallen series)

    “Haunting and beautiful, THE LIGHT BETWEEN WORLDS is a love story to siblings, to the belief in magic, to discovering where you belong.” (Lori M Lee, author of the Gates of Thread and Stone series)

    “An achingly lovely take on finding your own world. I loved this beautiful book!” (Melissa Albert, New York Times bestselling author of The Hazel Wood)

    “Even as Evelyn and Philippa navigate their exile from another world, Laura Weymouth reveals to us the real magic--born of sisterhood, nature, love and resilience--that resides in our own. THE LIGHT BETWEEN WORLDS is transfixing and unforgettable.” (Sara Holland, New York Times bestselling author of Everless)

    “A mystical novel about three siblings finding, then losing, then finding their ways home again.” (Kirkus Reviews)

    About the Author/作者介绍: 劳拉•E.韦茅斯是纽约州立州的一名全职妈妈。不写作时,她花时间养家禽,跟在两个疯丫头屁股后面照顾她们,试图说服丈夫相信一只小型的牛将会成为一名优秀的家庭宠物。

    Laura E. Weymouth is a full-time parent living in Upstate New York. When not writing, she spends her time raising poultry, chasing down two semi-feral daughters, and trying to convince her husband that a miniature cow would make an excellent family pet.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

    Sales in other countries/其他国家销售情况:Rights sold: North American rights to HarperTeen, in a six-figure deal, at auction; UK rights to Chicken House, at auction; French rights to Pocket Jeunesse, in a pre-empt; Spanish rights to HarperCollins Espanol.


