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    上传日期:2018-11-16 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 14780018C00125

    English Summary/英文概要: On a cold night in October 1937, searchlights cut through the darkness around Alcatraz. A prison guard’s only daughter--one of the youngest civilians who lives on the island--has gone missing. Tending the warden’s greenhouse, convicted bank robber Tommy Capello waits anxiously. Only he knows the truth about the little girl’s whereabouts, and that both of their lives depend on the search’s outcome. Almost two decades earlier and thousands of miles away, a young boy named Shanley Keagan ekes out a living as an aspiring vaudevillian in Dublin pubs. Talented and shrewd, Shan dreams of shedding his dingy existence and finding his real father in America. The chance finally comes to cross the Atlantic, but when tragedy strikes, Shan must summon all his ingenuity to forge a new life in a volatile and foreign world.

    Skillfully weaving these two stories, Kristina McMorris delivers a compelling novel that moves from Ireland to New York to San Francisco Bay. As her finely crafted characters discover the true nature of loyalty, sacrifice, and betrayal, they are forced to confront the lies we tell--and believe--in order to survive.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 1937年10月一个寒冷的夜晚,探照灯划破恶魔岛周围的黑暗。一名狱警的独生女失踪了,她是岛上最年轻的平民之一。负责看守温室的银行抢劫犯汤米•卡佩罗焦急地等待着。只有他知道小女孩下落的真相,他们的生死取决于搜寻的结果。大约20年前,在几千英里外的都柏林酒吧里,一个名叫尚利•基干的小男孩以一种有抱负的杂耍演员为生。天赋异禀、精明能干的尚利梦想着摆脱肮脏的生活,在美国找到自己的亲生父亲。横渡大西洋的机会终于来了,但当悲剧发生时,尚利必须发挥他所有的聪明才智,在动荡和陌生的世界中打造新的生活。





    "Kristina McMorris evokes such a strong sense of place that to open her books feels less like reading and more like traveling. Her absorbing new novel..[is an] epic, deeply felt tale of struggle and sec-ond chances... a trans¬porting piece of historical fiction." --BookPage

    "[A] gripping immigrant saga...it is also a portrait of America during a turbulent time and a quest that ends in triumph. Readers will be caught up in this well-told story." --RT Book Reviews, 4 Stars

    "Beautifully written with mesmerizing details, this is one of those books that sticks with a reader... extensively researched and the historical images are incredibly accurate... an absolute must-have." --VOYA Magazine
    Thought-provoking and emotionally complex novel that explores lives of an immigrant family in 1920s and 30s America. On a cold night in October 1937, searchlights cut through the darkness around Alcatraz. A prison guard’s daughter has gone missing. Convicted bank robber Tommy Capello waits anxiously. Only he knows the truth about the little girl’s whereabouts, and that both of their lives depend on the search’s outcome.
    Almost two decades earlier and thousands of miles away, a young boy named Shanley Keagan ekes out a living as an aspiring vaudevillian in Dublin pubs. Talented and shrewd, Shan dreams of finding his real father in America. The chance comes to cross the Atlantic, but when tragedy strikes, Shan must summon all his ingenuity to forge a new life.

    Kristina McMorris’s compelling novel skillfully weaves these two stories as her finely crafted characters discover the true nature of loyalty, sacrifice, and betrayal in a volatile world.

    About the Author/作者介绍: 克里斯汀娜•麦克莫里斯是《纽约时报》畅销书作家,曾获得20多个国家文学奖。她和丈夫以及两个儿子住在太平洋西北部。这是她继广受好评的《我们保存的作品》、《家书》和《红叶桥》之后的第四部小说。更多信息,请访问KristinaMcmorris.com。

    Kristina McMorris is a New York Times bestselling author and recipient of more than twenty national literary awards. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two sons. This is her fourth novel, following the widely praised The Pieces We Keep, Letters from Home and Bridge of Scarlet Leaves. For more, visit KristinaMcmorris.com.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

    Sales in other countries/其他国家销售情况:-Sinhalese rights for Kristina McMorris’s THE EDGE OF LOST to Bookrack


