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    上传日期:2018-12-18 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 10010018C00228

    English Summary/英文概要: Aranthur is a student. He showed a little magical talent, is studying at the local academy, and is nothing particularly special. Others are smarter. Others are more talented. Others are quicker to pick up techniques. But none of them are with him when he breaks his journey home for the holidays in an inn. None of them step in to help when a young woman is thrown off a passing stage coach into the deep snow at the side of the road. And none of them are drawn into a fight to protect her. One of the others might have realised she was manipulating him all along . . . A powerful story about beginnings, coming of age, and the way choosing to take one step towards violence can lead to a slippery and dangerous slope, this is an accomplished fantasy series driven by strong characters and fast-paced action.

    A powerful story about beginnings, coming of age, and the way choosing to take one step towards violence can lead to a slippery and dangerous slope. COLD IRON is an accomplished fantasy series driven by strong characters and fast-paced action from the author of the Traitor’s Son novels, who also writes historical fiction under the

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 来自军事奇幻大使的最新系列小说。 Aranthur 是一名有着一点神奇天赋的学生。他在当地学院入学的时候,并没有特别之处。而学院内的其他学生都比他聪明,更有天赋。还有一些人能很快地掌握技能。当这些学生在各展技能之时,Aranthur却一鸣惊人。。。 当Aranthur中断了在一家客栈度假之旅时,身边没有一个比他更有天赋的同龄人帮助他。当一个年轻的女人被扔到路边厚厚的积雪时,为了保护她,Aranthur被卷入了一场战斗中。。。 。。。有一个会发现这个女人一直在操控他。 这是一部由坚强的故事人物和情节紧凑而一蹴而就的高水准的奇幻系列小说。(Sandy)

    Awards/获奖情况:To conclude, as a pit stop on the way to the end "The Dread Wyrm" serves marvelously well. If anything, it is way too short. It does all that it’s supposed to do: it enriches the world, expands upon the overall story and its main characters but more importantly, it entertains. (Upcoming4Me)

    Utterly, utterly brilliant. A masterclass in how to write modern fantasy - world building, characters, plot and pacing, all perfectly blended. Miles Cameron is at the top of his game. To say I loved it is an understatement, and I am struggling with the fact I have to wait for book 2. Highly recommended. (JOHN GWYNNE, author of The Faithful and the Fallen Series)

    “Utterly, utterly brilliant. A masterclass in how to write modern fantasy - world building, characters, plot and pacing, all perfectly blended.” – John Gwynne, author of The Faithful and the Fallen

    About the Author/作者介绍: 生于多伦多的迈尔斯·卡梅隆(Miles Cameron)是一位非常成功的全职作家,以备受赞誉的处女作“The Red Knight/红色骑士”跻身奇幻文坛界。不为人所知的是,作者还用笔名“ Christian Cameron(克里斯蒂安·卡梅隆)”还创作了历史小说。


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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