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    定价:6.99 英镑
    上传日期:2005-5-27 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 03540001B03447

    English Summary/英文概要: A junkie lies dead in an Edinburgh squat, spreadeagled, cross-like on the floor, between two burned-down candles, a five-pointed star daubed on the wall above. Just another dead addict - until John Rebus begins to chip away at the indifference, treachery, deceit and sleaze that lurks behind the facade of the Edinburgh familiar to tourists. Only Rebus seems to care about a death which looks more like a murder every day, about a seductive danger he can almost taste, appealing to the darkest corners of his mind.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 爱丁堡的一个星光闪闪的夏夜,一名毒瘾君的尸体躺在荒废的破房子里,身上的伤像是撒旦的杰作。约翰追查此事,发现脾气火爆的女孩认识这个死去的男孩子,听见他最后的一句话是恐怖万分的“快躲起来,躲起来!”谁躲?躲哪里去呢?约翰只能继续查下去。


    About the Author/作者介绍: 《哈利·波特》作者J.K.罗琳侦探小说的领路人! 苏格兰黑色之王! 现代侦探小说的鼻祖 ,英国国内首屈一指的犯罪小说作家 英国最佳犯罪小说大师, 金匕首、爱伦·坡奖得主 英国犯罪小说作家协会最年轻的钻石匕首奖得主 伊恩·兰金的作品销量超过英国市场份额的1/10 ;有17部作品被翻译成31国文字出版。 1997年,荣获英国犯罪小说作家协会金匕首奖,同时获得美国推理小说作家协会爱伦坡奖提名; 1999年,再获金匕首奖提名; 2004年,夺得爱伦坡奖最佳小说奖; 2005、2006年连续两年赢得英国国家图书奖年度犯罪惊悚小说奖; 2005年获得英国犯罪小说作家协会颁予代表终身成就的钻石匕首奖; 2005年,兰金再获法国推理小说大奖、德国犯罪电影奖与苏格兰杰出人物奖 ……

    Born in the Kingdom of Fife in 1960, Ian Rankin graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1982, and then spent three years writing novels when he was supposed to be working towards a PhD in Scottish Literature. His first Rebus novel was published in 1987, and the Rebus books are now translated into twenty-two languages and are bestsellers on several continents. Ian Rankin has been elected a Hawthornden Fellow, and is also a past winner of the Chandler-Fulbright Award. He is the recipient of four Crime Writers’ Association Dagger Awards including the prestigious Diamond Dagger in 2005. In 2004, Ian won America’s celebrated Edgar Award for ’Resurrection Men’. He has also been shortlisted for the Edgar and Anthony Awards in the USA, and won Denmark’s Palle Rosenkrantz Prize, the French Grand Prix du Roman Noir and the Deutscher Krimipreis. Ian Rankin is also the recipient of honorary degrees from the universities of Abertay, St Andrews and Edinburgh. A contributor to BBC2’s ’Newsnight Review’, he also presented his own TV series, ’Ian Rankin’s Evil Thoughts’. He recently received the OBE for services to literature, opting to receive the prize in his home city of Edinburgh, where he lives with his partner and two sons.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

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