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    定价:6.99 英镑
    上传日期:2005-5-27 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 03540001B03449

    English Summary/英文概要: A student has gone missing in Edinburgh. She’s not just any student, though, but the daughter of well-to-do and influential bankers. There’s almost nothing to go on until DI John Rebus gets an unmistakable gut feeling that there’s more to this than just another runaway spaced out on unaccustomed freedom. Two leads emerge: a carved wooden doll in a toy coffin, found in the student’s home village, and an Internet role-playing game. The ancient and the modern, brought together by uncomfortable circumstance ...

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 银行家的女儿菲利帕•巴尔弗有着富裕的家境,过着无忧无虑的生活,却在一天夜里离奇消失了。 30年来,每次伴随着棺材的出现,都会有个年轻的女人莫名其妙地失踪。随着菲利帕毫无征兆的失踪,在荒凉的瀑布小镇出现了第五个棺材…… 而这种造型奇特的小棺材竟然与爱丁堡博物馆里的亚瑟王座金棺惊人地相似!这也令人想起至今都笼罩在爱丁堡的古老犯罪传说! 通过一封奇怪的电子邮件,警方发现了菲利普的秘密生活,原来她一直在玩一个角色扮演的网络游戏,在这里每个人的身份都是虚拟的,每闯过一关,就会收到神秘人的新指令。以为只是一场普通的游戏,却没有想到早已被引向死亡之路…… 到底是谁在幕后操控了这一切? 网络潜行者的阴影,失踪女孩家里流沙般的谎言,引起了伊恩•兰金的这位四十多岁、离异、酗酒、且烟瘾极大的卢布思探长对恶魔灵魂的思考。这个善于在扑朔迷离的案件中自由穿梭的男人,展开了锲而不舍的追踪…… 爱丁堡就像是一座悬崖,每个人都在缓慢坠落!

    Awards/获奖情况:’Rankin continues to be unsurpassed among living British crime writers... He makes the reader feel part of the scene, and enhances the experience with his virtuosity with dialogue ... But all these virtues would count for little if Rankin didn’t also possess the most important asset of them all - the ability to tell a damned good story’---The Times

    ’The scene setting is vivid and the narration by a Scot, actor James Macpherson, essential to bringing the story to life.’---www.FromBumptoGrump.co.uk

    About the Author/作者介绍: 伊恩•兰金,被誉为苏格兰黑色之王,当代最优秀的侦探小说家之一。 让人惊奇的不只是他踏入文坛的年龄,更特别的是,兰金在如此年轻的时候,却创造了一位四十一岁、离婚、酗酒而且烟瘾极大的雷布思警探,并把故事背景设定在复杂的警察世界之中,如果没有足够的文字功力,肯定无法在竞争激烈的英国大众文坛脱颖而出。这本兼具惊悚与悬疑气氛的警探小说深入描写了人类心理层次的黑暗面,加上鲜活的人物个性与深入贴近社会的叙事角度,引起了读者的巨大回响,也鼓舞兰金继续写下去,一写就是二十几个年头。迄今为止,他的十七本系列作品被翻译成三十一国文字出版,兰金也早已成为英国当代最重要的作家之一。 兰金在英国文坛的成就极高,曾获得声望卓著的钱德勒-富布赖特推理文学奖。他曾经四度获选英国犯罪小说作家协会匕首奖,其中《黑与蓝》(Black and Blue)荣获一九九七年英国犯罪小说作家协会金匕首奖,同时获得美国推理小说作家协会爱伦坡奖提名。一九九九年,《死灵魂》(Dead Souls)再获金匕首奖提名;二〇〇四年,《掘墓盗尸人》(Resurrection Men)夺得爱伦坡奖最佳小说奖;二〇〇五、二〇〇六年连续两年赢得英国国家图书奖年度犯罪惊悚小说奖。 二〇〇二年,兰金因其文学贡献获得大英帝国勋章;二〇〇五年获得英国犯罪小说作家协会颁予代表终身成就的钻石匕首奖,成为史上最年轻的钻石匕首奖得主;同年,兰金再获法国推理小说大奖、德国犯罪电影奖与苏格兰杰出人物奖,并于一九九九至二〇〇五年间获得四所大学的荣誉博士学位。 兰金目前与妻子跟两个儿子住在爱丁堡,与著名作家J. K.罗琳比邻而居。在完成“哈利•波特”系列之后,J.K.罗琳开始创作侦探小说,而兰金为她的创作提供了诸多帮助,被罗琳称作侦探小说创作上的领路人。

    Born in the Kingdom of Fife in 1960, Ian Rankin graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1982, and then spent three years writing novels when he was supposed to be working towards a PhD in Scottish Literature. His first Rebus novel was published in 1987, and the Rebus books are now translated into twenty-two languages and are bestsellers on several continents. Ian Rankin has been elected a Hawthornden Fellow, and is also a past winner of the Chandler-Fulbright Award. He is the recipient of four Crime Writers’ Association Dagger Awards including the prestigious Diamond Dagger in 2005. In 2004, Ian won America’s celebrated Edgar Award for ’Resurrection Men’. He has also been shortlisted for the Edgar and Anthony Awards in the USA, and won Denmark’s Palle Rosenkrantz Prize, the French Grand Prix du Roman Noir and the Deutscher Krimipreis. Ian Rankin is also the recipient of honorary degrees from the universities of Abertay, St Andrews and Edinburgh. A contributor to BBC2’s ’Newsnight Review’, he also presented his own TV series, ’Ian Rankin’s Evil Thoughts’. He recently received the OBE for services to literature, opting to receive the prize in his home city of Edinburgh, where he lives with his partner and two sons.


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