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    定价:6.99 英镑
    上传日期:2005-5-27 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 03540001B03446

    English Summary/英文概要: Stalking a poisoner at the local zoo, Inspector John Rebus comes across a paedophile taking pictures of children. When the social workers claim he is there for legitimate educational reasons, Rebus is faced with a dilemma - should he be outed to protect local kids or given a chance to start anew? As the locals begin a hate campaign he gets a call from the past: the son of a friend has gone missing and no one else will make time to ask the right questions. And then a fragment of Scotland’s criminal history is repatriated at the end of a life sentence for murder. Once more Rebus’s cup of trouble runneth over and the ghosts of past misdeeds return to haunt Edinburgh’s streets.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 警探卢布思在當地的動物園追蹤罪犯,卻遇上戀童癖者在拍各種孩子的照片。但這個自稱是社工的戀童癖者說自己只是想做個學術研究。這讓卢布思很為難,他應該保護孩子們,還是給這個人一次機會? 愛丁堡人開始一場反抗運動的同時,卢布思接到了勾起陳年往事的電話。他朋友的兒子竟然無故失蹤,卻沒有人調查這案子情。數年前案件的兇犯被抓,並處以死刑。過往慘劇的陰雲再一次籠罩著愛丁堡的街道,而卢布思遇到一個有一個麻煩。(Celia)

    Awards/获奖情况:“魯布斯復活了。這個故事情節邏輯緊密,環環相扣,最終的結尾在意料之外卻在情理之中。” ——《文學評論》


    About the Author/作者介绍: 伊恩•蘭金是英國最賣座的犯罪小說作家。他的成名作“魯比探員系列”位列《泰晤士報》暢銷榜單第一位,並且被改編成熱播劇。已有36個國家出版了他的故事。現在他是BBC2頻道“晚新聞書評”節目的嘉賓。關於他自己的電視劇“伊恩•蘭金的惡念”也已上映。蘭金在小說界的成就為他贏取了“大英帝國勳章”。 他榮獲的小說獎項不計其數: 1991 美國錢德勒-福爾布萊特獎Chandler-Fulbright Award (USA) 1994 犯罪小說協會麥卡倫短篇故事匕首獎 Crime Writers’ Association Macallan Short Story Dagger (UK) 1996犯罪小說協會麥卡倫短篇故事匕首獎 Crime Writers’ Association Macallan Short Story Dagger (UK) 1997犯罪小說協會麥卡倫金匕首獎 Crime Writers’ Association Macallan Gold Dagger for Fiction (UK) 2000丹麥帕勒羅森格蘭茲獎 Palle Rosencrantz Prize (Denmark) 2003法國黑羅馬國際大獎 Grand Prix du Roman Noir (France) 2003芬蘭小說獎 Whodunnit Prize (Finland) 2004 美國愛倫坡最佳小說獎Edgard Award for Best Novel (USA) 2005 德國Deutscher Krimipreis獎 (Germany) 2005 英國年度犯罪小說獎British Book Awards: Crime Thriller of the Year (UK) 2005 犯罪小說協會終身成就獎 Crime Writers’ Association Cartier Diamond Dagger: Lifetime Achievement Award (UK)

    Ian Rankin is the UK’s number 1 bestselling crime author. Famous for the acclaimed Inspector Rebus series which has topped the Sunday Times bestseller lists and been adapted into a major TV series. His books have been translated into 36 languages. A contributor to BBC2’s ’Newsnight Review’, he also presented his own TV series, ’Ian Rankin’s Evil Thoughts’. He recently received the OBE for services to literature.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

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