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    上传日期:2019-5-22 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 00110919C00005

    English Summary/英文概要: Only Pretty Damned is a taut noir that takes you behind the big top, revealing rough and tumble characters, murderous plots, and crooked schemes designed to keep Rowland’s World Class Circus afloat for another season. When Toby, former trapeze artist turned disgruntled clown, begins seeing Gloria, a young and beautiful dancer longing for a bigger role under the spotlight, his hardboiled past resurfaces. Can he live without Genevieve, his ex-trapeze partner and lover? What ruthless actions will he take to regain his position as the headlining act? And will Toby’s past repeat itself as he tries to untangle the ropes that bind him and take a leap to roaring applause? Only Pretty Damned combines the pace and tone of James M. Cain’s The Postman Always Rings Twice with the postwar world of Cecil B. DeMille’s The Greatest Show On Earth.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 这本书是一部令人神经紧绷的黑色小说。它把你带到了舞台后面,向你揭示了那些人物的面具和凶残的情节,以及如何让Rowland的世界级马戏团在下一季继续生存的小诡计。当Toby,这位前空中飞人艺术家变成不满的小丑,邂逅了Gloria,一个年轻美丽渴望在聚光灯下扮演更重要的角色的女子,他的过去苏醒了。他能会离开他的前空中飞人搭档和情人Genevieve吗?他会采取什么可怕的行动来重新获得头条的地位?当Toby试图解开束缚他的绳索跳进热烈的掌声中时,他的过去会重演吗?这本书结合了詹姆斯•M•凯恩的《邮递员总是按两次铃》和塞西尔•B•德米尔的《战后世界》的节奏和基调。(YYW)



    “这是一本严肃对待黑人的小说”~ Margaret Cannon,《环球邮报》

    "Only Pretty Damned is a stark, powerful noir, steeped in the stifling heat of the American South and building slowly, inexorably, to a boil." ~ Robert J. Wiersema, Quill & Quire

    Howell has penned a slow-burning piece of crime fiction, where Rowland’s grimy circus serves as a microcosm of the world at large—a place where unlikable characters are groomed to make a killing, whether inside the tent or out.~ Booklist

    "This is a gritty novel that takes noir seriously” ~ Margaret Cannon, The Globe and Mail

    About the Author/作者介绍: Niall Howell在卡尔加里出生长大,至今仍居住在那里。他的短篇小说已发表在《Feathertale Review and Freefall》上,他拥有皇家大学英语文学学士学位和卡尔加里大学教育学士学位。他喜欢弹贝斯,痴迷于收集唱片和漫画。《唯一的诅咒》是Niall Howell第一部小说系列的一部分。

    Niall Howell was born and raised in Calgary, where he still resides. His short fiction has been published in The Feathertale Review and FreeFall and he holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Mount Royal University, and a Bachelor of Education from the University of Calgary. He enjoys playing bass, and obsessively collects records and comics. Only Pretty Damned is a part of the Nunatak First Fiction Series.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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