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    上传日期:2005-5-30 0:00:00

    Pound for Pound

    Book ID/图书代码: 05B04658

    English Summary/英文概要: A happy, if slightly surreal, ending to the story of a few months ago involving an unpublished novel by the late author behind Million Dollar Baby. The corner man Jerry Boyd, who published the short-story collection Rope Burns under the name F.X. Toole, was nearly finished with a manuscript called Pound for Pound when he died in 2002. Now Toole’s estate and agent has done some polishing of the 900 pages the author left--it’s down to about 425--and sold the book to Dan Halpern at Ecco, with a film option going to Baby producers Al Ruddy and Tom Rosenberg. All, of course, were involved with Million Dollar Baby, Halpern as the publisher of Rope Burns and Ruddy and Rosenberg as the film’s producers. The new novel tells of an aging Irish-American aging boxing trainer and a young Mexican-American boxer he reluctantly takes on. According to Toole agent Nat Sobel, it deals with "the pain a boxer must push past in order to succeed." Sobel, who enlisted the help of freelance editor James Wade to work on the manuscript, says the story is "about 98% Toole’s," with only about ten new pages added to bridge some gaps. Secker & Warburg has bought the book in the U.K.; Sobel is expecting heavy foreign interest. Million Dollar Baby was an improbable success story that came about only when Sobel discovered the elderly corner man in the San Francisco literary magazine Zyzzyva and sold the collection to Halpern. With the new sale, Toole now has posthumously closed the latest chapter. But it may not be the final one: Toole’s children report that there are an 18 unopened cartons of writing in their late father’s garage.--Steven Zeitchik

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 已故作者《百万宝贝》创作人F.X. TOOLE的尚未出版的小说终于画上了美好----多少有点超乎现实的句号。 正当曾经出版过短片故事集“Rope Burns”的Jerry Boyd就快完成那部手稿“Pound for Pound”的时候,他突然于2002年戛然离世。现在TOOLE的经纪人已经完成了他留下的九百页手稿的部分整理修改工作------只省425页还没修改,作品已经卖给了Dan Halpern,电影版权则归《百万宝贝》的制片人Al Ruddy &Tom Rosenberg. 故事讲的是一位年迈的爱尔兰裔美国拳击教练与年轻的墨西哥裔美国拳击手之间的故事,这位教练很不情愿地收他为徒。照TOOLE的代理人Nat Sobel的话说,它所探讨的是所有拳击手若想功成名就都必须走过的艰辛。 Sobel还请来了自由撰稿人James Wade帮忙修改手稿,他说故事百分之九十八是Toole的思想,为了能使故事流畅通顺,只添加了十页额外的内容。 《百万宝贝》的成功的确是出人意料的,Sobel无意间在三番市的文学杂志“Zyzzyva”上认识这位年迈的作家,接着就把这本故事集卖给Halpern。 随着“Pound for Pound”版权的成功转售,Toole也完成了死后的最后一个篇章。但是也许这不是最后一个故事,他的孩子说在整理父亲车库的时候发现了18箱尚未开封的作品。


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    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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