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    上传日期:2019-6-3 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 13566019C00004

    English Summary/英文概要: Yamini Redewill is an Uber driver in San Francisco―one of a growing number of rideshare drivers around the world. What makes her unique is that she’s a seventy-nine-year-old single woman who views her Uber driving as a form of spiritual practice!

    The Joy of Uber Driving chronicles the unexpected corkscrew twists and turns Redewill encounters on the road to love and happiness. How could she know that all those fabulous dreams she cherished as a younger woman were just illusions on the way to reality and would vanish like dust in the wind? But ultimately, her wild ride through life―which includes obsessive love on Catalina; sex, drugs, and alcohol in Hollywood; eleven years of celibacy in Buddhism, and Tantric sex and spirituality in India―helps her wend her way to her authentic self and to creative fulfillment in the winter of her life. In The Joy of Uber Driving, Redewill shares the wisdom that comes from living a full life of heart-centered passion, as well as the self-awareness that has allowed her to be the happy, confident, creative, and young “old broad” she now finds herself to be.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 一個女人在她78歲的高齡時擔任Uber司機,展開一趟關於愛與幸福的追尋之旅,本書是她載運過的乘客故事,也是她的人生故事,充滿了令人無法預料的轉折,融合了幽默、溫暖、悲傷、洞察和靈感啟發。



    在本書中,Redewill分享了她的智慧,來自她以全心全意的熱情度過的人生,以及她的自我覺察如何使她成為一個快樂、自信、充滿創造力、年輕的「old broad」。 (Zoe)

    Awards/获奖情况:「令人窺見一位Uber司機溫暖又引人入勝的心靈和靈魂。本書既有趣又動人,且充滿令人耳目一新的誠實。Yamini Redewill重新演繹了那句希臘諺語:『人不能兩次搭乘同一位司機的車。』」
    ──Katherine Woodward Thomas,紐約時報暢銷書作者,著有:《7週遇見對的人:發現真愛的吸引力法則召喚幸福的49堂練習》、《親愛的,分手不是你的錯:5步驟好好說分手,找回愛情的自由》(商周出版)

    「既狂野又懷舊的『靈魂追尋之旅』,交織著許多來自Yamini Redewill擔任Uber駕駛時的真實故事(在她78歲的高齡!),以及她對於自己人生的回顧故事。巧妙的融合了幽默、溫暖、悲傷、洞察和靈感啟發。」
    ──Kelly Sullivan Walden,暢銷作家,著有《創造英雄旅程的夢幻日誌:日誌的寫作與創作》

    Marci Shimoff,美國知名的激勵領袖與快樂專家,著有《快樂,不用理由:做好七件事,快樂一輩子》(時報出版)

    雅蓋比.史岱西諾波羅斯(Agapi Stassinopoulos),暢銷書《釋放心靈》(Unbinding the Heart)作者

    "A heartwarming and entertaining peek into the heart and soul of an Uber driver. Funny, poignant, and refreshingly honest, Yamini Redewill has made certain that we will never take a ride from someone in quite the same way!"

    ―Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times best-selling author of Calling in "The One"

    About the Author/作者介绍: Yamini Redewill於1939年出生於加州奧克蘭,1981年一位印度上師Bhagwan Shree Rashneesh給予了她Ma Veet Yamini這個名字,意思是「跨越黑夜」。Redewill畢業於加州大學洛杉磯分校,後來她開始了她的演藝事業,並在後來成為了CBS-TV的首席服裝負責人,之後她成為自由接案的服裝師和設計師,為許多好萊塢的工作室服務。接著,她成為一名攝影師和女權倡議者,並創作了一系列名為「自然女神肖像」的攝影作品,其中包含超過40歲的女性,在2014年,Redewill將她最好的攝影作品集結成冊,出版了The Natural Goddess: Portraits of True Beauty in Women Over 40一書,當中的名人包括:Diane Ladd, Connie Stevens, Marla Maples, Stephanie Powers等人。

    Born Frances Hamilton Redewill in 1939 in Oakland, CA, Yamini Redewill was given the name Ma Veet Yamini, meaning “going beyond the night,” by Bhagwan Shree Rashneesh in India in 1981. Redewill attended UC Berkeley and graduated with a BA in Fine Arts from UCLA in 1964. After first pursuing a career in acting and singing, she later rose to prominence as the head of wardrobe at CBS-TV and later as a freelance costumer and designer at various Hollywood studios. She later became a photographer and women’s empowerment advocate who created a new niche in photography with her Natural Goddess portraits of women over forty in nature. In 2014, Redewill compiled her best goddess portraits into a self-published book called The Natural Goddess: Portraits of True Beauty in Women Over 40, which included portraits of Diane Ladd, Connie Stevens, Marla Maples, and Stephanie Powers, along with such notable authors as Barbara Marx Hubbard, Ariel Ford, Lynn Andrews and others.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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