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    上传日期:2019-8-7 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 13005519C00006

    English Summary/英文概要: The place, New York City; the time, the very near future. The streets of Gotham are swarming with self-driving cars, which are now a reality, and the competition between two entrepreneurs for this cutthroat futuristic business grows increasingly fierce. But when the escalating technological warfare produces superintelligent AI computers that use data to decide who should live and die, the results are explosive . . . and deadly. It is left to young Naomi Sumner, inventor of the virtual world in which the AIs train, to recognize that the supercomputers are developing goals of their own--goals for which they are willing to kill. But can she stop these inhuman machines before it is too late? More importantly, will she stop them?

    Three Laws Lethal takes the reader on a wild ride in a world that is still imaginary . . . for now . . .

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 地点,纽约市;时间,就在不远的将来。如今,自动驾驶汽车已经成为现实,高谭市的街道上挤满了自动驾驶汽车,两位企业家之间的竞争也越来越激烈。但当不断升级的技术战争催生出超级智能的人工智能电脑,利用数据决定谁该活谁该死时,结果是爆炸性的……和致命的。年轻的娜奥米•萨姆纳是人工智能训练的虚拟世界的发明者,她必须认识到,超级计算机正在制定自己的目标——它们愿意为之牺牲的目标。但她能阻止这些非人的机器吗?更重要的是,她会阻止他们吗?




    "Suppose autonomous vehicles are popular. Then what comes next? And what after that? David Walton’s Three Laws Lethal gives the reader exciting insights into the threats and the promises that are coming our way."--Vernor Vinge, multiple Hugo award-winning author of A Deepness in the Sky

    "Three Laws Lethal jumps off Asimov, Heinlein, and the best of Robert J. Sawyer, in a brilliant, breathtaking novel we the Uber generation have been awaiting. Flat-out superb."--Paul Levinson, author of The Plot to Save Socrates

    About the Author/作者介绍: 大卫•沃尔顿是七部小说的作者,他的第一部小说《终端思维》获得了菲利普•迪克奖。他也是《天才瘟疫》、《叠加论》、《超对称性》、《国粹》、《国粹天空》的作者。大卫白天是为美国情报机构工作的高级机密工程师,晚上是七个孩子的温和父亲,过着双重生活。

    David Walton is the author of seven novels and is the recipient of the Philip K. Dick Award for his first novel, Terminal Mind. He is also the author of The Genius Plague, Superposition, Supersymmetry, Quintessence, and Quintessence Sky. David lives a double life as a top secret engineer working with the US intelligence community by day, and the mild-mannered father of seven children at night.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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