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    上传日期:2019-8-28 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 13560019C00023

    English Summary/英文概要: During the long twentieth century, explorers went in unprecedented numbers to the hottest, coldest, and highest points on the globe. Taking us from the Himalaya to Antarctica and beyond, Higher and Colder presents the first history of extreme physiology, the study of the human body at its physical limits. Each chapter explores a seminal question in the history of science, while also showing how the apparently exotic locations and experiments contributed to broader political and social shifts in twentieth-century scientific thinking.

    Unlike most books on modern biomedicine, Higher and Colder focuses on fieldwork, expeditions, and exploration, and in doing so provides a welcome alternative to laboratory-dominated accounts of the history of modern life sciences. Though centered on male-dominated practices—science and exploration—it recovers the stories of women’s contributions that were sometimes accidentally, and sometimes deliberately, erased. Engaging and provocative, this book is a history of the scientists and physiologists who face challenges that are physically demanding, frequently dangerous, and sometimes fatal, in the interest of advancing modern science and pushing the boundaries of human ability.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 在漫长的二十世纪,探险者以空前绝后地前仆后继到达了地球上最热、最冷和最高的地方。带我们从喜马拉雅山脉到南极洲以及更远的地方,“高寒地带”展示了极端生理学的最初历史资料,这是对人体极限生理状态的研究。每一章都探索了科学史上一个开创性的问题,同时也展示了这些明显具有异国情调的地点和实验如何促进了20世纪科学思想中更广泛的政治和社会变革。 与大多数关于现代生物医学的书籍不同,本书侧重于实地勘察,远征探险和探索,以实验室为主导的现代科学理论,为普通大众提供了一个所能接受的折衷选项。尽管以男性主导的科学与探索,但其中还包括了女性科学家们,那些不为人知的故事。这本引人入胜的书,讲述了科学家和生理学家的历史,为了推动现代科学的发展,为了挑战人类能力的极限,这些科学家和生理学们需要面对一些体力上的挑战,而这些挑战往往是危险的,有时甚至是致命的。(Sandy)

    Awards/获奖情况:"I love this book. With its focus on biomedical research in extreme environments, Higher and Colder shows how twentieth-century expeditions—to the Arctic, the Antarctic, and the Himalayas—are stranger than we thought. This story of exploration plays out on ice caps and mountaintops, but also in places not often sketched on the expeditionary map: inside barometric chambers, scientific outposts, and medical laboratories. Heggie examines the tangible and visceral aspects of expeditionary work—blood, food, clothing, equipment—in order to challenge our basic assumptions about the history of expeditionary science: that we know what it is and how it gets done." (Michael Robinson, University of Hartford)

    "A gripping and revelatory story of the physiologists who went to extremes in the twentieth century as they charted the parameters of human performance in some of the globe’s most inhospitable places. Heggie reveals how these researchers trekked to the tops of mountains and the earth’s icy poles, curious less about these extraordinary environments than the inner workings of human physiology. The world was their laboratory. Higher and Colder likewise explores the complex colonial, military, cultural, and political terrain that framed this style of expeditionary biomedical science. The book makes a significant contribution to the history of the field sciences, environmental history, and the history of twentieth-century medicine." (Sarah W. Tracy, Edith Kinney Gaylord Presidential Professor, University of Oklahoma)

    “Vanessa Heggie brings to vivid life the history of the sciences of human survival at its limits. Higher and Colder offers a bold and persuasive interpretation of exploration as a scientific practice in the twentieth century, when Mount Everest and the polar regions became natural laboratories for physiological experiments, racial ideologies, gender hierarchies, indigenous technologies, and everyday practices of exploration. Elegantly written, it provides a welcome historical perspective on the biomedical research that has saved the lives of thousands of hikers and mountaineers.” (Peter Hansen, Worcester Polytechnic Institute)

    “This book is a valuable resource. The topics have been thoroughly researched, and the documentation in notes at the end of the book is meticulous. Impressively, even with the depth of its detail, the book is a pleasure to read. Strongly recommended.” (John West, University of California, San Diego)

    About the Author/作者介绍: Vanessa Heggie是英国伯明翰大学应用健康研究所,医学和科学的历史讲师。著有“英国运动医学史”(A History of British Sports Medicine), 2012年至2017年,他是《卫报》博客the H-Word的联合作者。

    Vanessa Heggie is a lecturer in the history of medicine and science at the Institute of Applied Health Research at the University of Birmingham. She is the author of A History of British Sports Medicine and was coauthor of the Guardian blog The H-Word from 2012 to 2017.


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