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    上传日期:2019-9-5 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 09220019C00034

    English Summary/英文概要: Roman Britain is vividly portrayed in this fascinating and authentically detailed story about a year in the life of an ordinary woman and her family.

    The year is AD 133. Hadrian is Emperor of Rome and all its vast empire, including Britannia. The greater part of that island has long been under imperial rule and the Roman legions control most of the land, quelling uprisings and building new forts and towns. Around the fortress of Eboracum (now known as York), a bustling garrison settlement is developing, while along the north-west frontier of Hadrian’s empire, the legions are completing the construction of a mighty wall.

    Introducing us to this world is Senovara, born into the Parisi, a local tribe whose customs have been little changed by Roman rule. But she is also the young wife of Quintus, a veteran of the 6th Legion Victrix. Settling in Quintus’s home is both bewildering and awe-inspiring for Senovara as she seeks to adjust to Eboracum’s cosmopolitan environment, come to terms with new customs and reconcile their cultural differences.

    Senovara finds that daily life in the settlement can be harsh; a constant struggle to provide her family with fresh food, water and warmth. Yet there is much enjoyment to be had as well, at the public baths or with new friends. There is also the excitement of religious festivals and in the regular news from the frontier, and peril in the form of a deadly fever which sweeps through Eboracum, forcing Senovara and her children to flee to her brother in the countryside.

    Roman Woman is an immersive, compelling narrative which gets to the heart of what life was like for everyday people in Roman Britain.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 《罗马女人》这本书讲述了一个普通女人和她的家庭一年的生活,这个引人入胜、真实详细的故事生动地描绘了罗马时期的不列颠。






    About the Author/作者介绍: Lindsay Allason Jones,OBE,是泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔大学的访问学者。她曾任纽卡斯尔大学古物博物馆、舍夫顿希腊艺术和考古学博物馆以及跨学科艺术品研究中心的主任。她是公认的哈德良长城和罗马不列颠以及苏丹考古学方面的权威,并对整个罗马帝国,特别是在北非和中东都有着广泛的了解。Lindsay Allason Jones不仅著有大量有关罗马不列颠的书籍和学术论文,还因其在《耶稣的秘密故事》(2007)、《时间团队》(1994)和《时间团队的挖掘》(2002)方面的研究而闻名。

    Lindsay Allason-Jones, OBE, is a Visiting Fellow at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. She is the former director of the Museum of Antiquities, the Shefton Museum of Greek Art and Archaeology and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Artefact Studies at Newcastle University. She is an acknowledged authority on Hadrian’s Wall and Roman Britain, as well as the archaeology of the Sudan, and has worked extensively all over the Roman Empire, particularly in North Africa and the Middle East. As well as having written numerous books and academic papers on Roman Britain, Lindsay Allason-Jones is known for her work on The Hidden Story of Jesus (2007), Time Team (1994) and Time Team Digs (2002).


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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