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    上传日期:2019-9-18 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 03235019C00009

    English Summary/英文概要: Who needs to innovate?

    In today’s constantly changing business environment, the only way to prosper or even survive--whether you are part of a business, healthcare organization, educational institution, government entity, or nonprofit--is to innovate.

    Successful innovation requires three primary components:
    -An innovation framework
    -An understanding of the innovation continuum
    -A gauge of your people’s innovation fitness

    Despite investment in understanding the frameworks and stages of innovation, many innovations still fail. This is because the most critical element of innovation success is understanding people. This book brings together two essential components--the innovation framework and the science of skills and talent assessments--and shows you how to apply them to each stage of the innovation continuum to create The Innovator’s Advantage.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 谁需要创新?







    “《创新者的优势》通过对创新框架和方法的详细、循序渐进的描述,引导你通过三个“P”——目的(Purpose)、途径(Pathway)和人(People)——来实现创新,其中包含了规划中经常缺失的一个关键要素:对人的理解。如果你的底线仍然由原创产品或服务驱动,这本书可能会挽救你的企业。”。——罗纳德•J•邦斯达德博士,目标训练国际成功公司(Target Training International Success Insights)高级研发副总裁

    “很少有发明能够进入市场,本书清楚地阐述了如何克服这一差距。作者们提出了通过提出想法来解决问题的重要性,并解释了如何才能做到这一点。大多数创新者不是商人,本书为他们提供了成功创新的资源。”。——露西•W•伊伦古,肯尼亚内罗毕大学副校长(研究、生产和推广) National Book Award!

    "The Innovator’s Advantage takes an ambitious path to link innovation with the talents and passions of employees. I highly recommend this book to any leader looking to maximize the right skill sets for the different phases of the innovation process." --Hal Whiting, PhD, Program Manager, Executive Coaching and Assessment, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

    "The Innovator’s Advantage guides you through the three ’Ps’--Purpose, Pathway, and People--using a detailed, step-by-step description of the framework and methodology for innovation that incorporates a key element frequently missing in planning: an understanding of people. If your bottom line is still driven by original products or services, this book just might save your business." --Dr. Ronald J. Bonnstetter, Senior VP of Research and Development, Target Training International Success Insights

    "Few inventions reach the market, and this book clearly lays out how to navigate this gap. The authors bring out the importance of generating many ideas to solve the problem and explain how to do it. Most innovators are not business people, and this book gives them the resources to successfully innovate." --Prof. Lucy W. Irungu, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research, Production, and Extension), University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya

    About the Author/作者介绍: 埃文斯•拜亚是一位科学家、顾问、作家和演说家。作为一名研究化学家、工艺开发工程师、多家初创公司的高管、多个国家研发工作的全球领导者、一家全球公司的知识产权投资组合经理以及研究和商业化政策顾问,他从各个角度应对创新时出现的问题。他与多家初创公司、大型公司、学术机构和政府合作,致力于寻找策略和进行规划、参与新产品开发、工艺改进、研发/创新项目、技术转让和商业化。


    Evans Baiya is a scientist, consultant, author, and speaker. He has tackled innovation from all angles as a research chemist, process development engineer, executive in multiple startups, global leader of research and development efforts in multiple countries, intellectual property portfolio manager at a global corporation, and policy advisor on research and commercialization. He works with a number of startups, large companies, academic institutions, and governments on strategy and planning, new product development, process improvements, R&D/innovation programs, technology transfer, and commercialization.

    Ron Price is an internationally recognized business advisor, executive coach, speaker, and author. Known for his creative and systematic thinking, business versatility, and practical optimism, Ron has served in almost every level of executive management over the past 45 years. As the former president of a multimillion-dollar multinational company, Ron understands the challenges and risks of running a business and building a dynamic team. He works shoulder-to-shoulder with executive leadership teams to bring strategic clarity and transformational results to organizations especially those dealing with turmoil and transition.


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