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    上传日期:2019-10-5 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 00110919C00020

    English Summary/英文概要: When the smell of October’s raked leaves gives way to that of morning frost, a mature Winnipeg man’s fancy turns to thoughts of curling.

    But this fall Blackie Timmerman has been hogging stones off the ice. His wife of twenty years Deirdre has left him; his precocious son Tino has moved out of the house and into political radicality, mentored by a relentlessly principled Michael MacGiligary, scion of the Winnipeg establishment. The two share a devotion to curling and revolutionary socialism, as well as a friendship whose closeness and secretiveness alarm Blackie on every level.

    And now, his north-end Jewish curling rink, the Queen Victoria, Winnipeg’s friendliest club, and most dilapidated, is going to be sold and the club disbanded come spring—if the Executive, led by Max Foxman and his clique of nouveaux riches, gets their way.

    The 1970s will be cruel to Blackie, who had expected they would be the gravy on the veal cutlet of an honest modest life. Spurred on by Michael, the only non-Jewish curler at the Queen Victoria, and Tino, both of whom are impatient to make a big political histoire—combatting injustice and alienation—Blackie and his curling team, Suddy and Duddy, Oz, and their kibitzer Chickie, decide to take on Max Foxman and the South Enders to deliver the club from the fate of becoming a supermarket, and their having to curl on alien ice in the South End.

    It’s class war on and off the rink, where all is fair, even Duddy’s attempt to seduce Max Foxman’s wife Sophie, the girl Max Foxman had stolen from Blackie while our hero was part of the Canadian army invading Sicily in WWII. When not distracted by the nostalgia of lost love and gallantry, Blackie believes that curling finesse and canvassing can swing enough club members to vote down Max Foxman, so that for once the North End guys will sit shot rock.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 当十月树叶的气味被晨霜的气味所取代时,一个成熟的温尼伯人的幻想变成了实实在在的念头。

    但今年秋天,Blackie Timmerman一直处处受挫。他结婚20年的妻子Deirdre离开了他;他早熟的儿子Tino搬出家门,进入了由温尼伯当权派的后裔、原则坚定的Michael MacGiligary指导的政治激进分子的行列。两人共同致力于冰壶运动和革命社会主义,同时他们之间也有一种友谊,这种亲密和隐秘的关系在各个层面上都让Blackie感到震惊。


    20世纪70年代对Blackie来说将是残酷的,他本以为他们会成为谦恭生活中的“肉汁”。在“维多利亚女王”唯一的非犹太冰壶运动员Michael和Tino的激励下,他们都迫不及待地要创造一个伟大的政治历史来对抗不公正和疏远,Blackie和他的冰壶队,Suddy和Duddy,Oz,以及他们的Chickie,决定与Max Foxman和南安德斯队交手,不让这家俱乐部成为一家超市,他们还不得不蜷缩在南端的冰面上。

    这是一场关于溜冰场内外的阶级战争,在那里一切都是公平的,甚至Duddy试图勾引Max Foxman的妻子Sophie,那个Max Foxman从 Blackie那里抢来的女孩,而我们的英雄是二战中入侵西西里的加拿大军队的一员。Blackie没有被失去的爱和旧时记忆分散注意力,他相信冰壶技巧和拉票可以让足够多的俱乐部成员投票否决Max Foxman,这样一来,北边的人就可以踏踏实实地坐在石头上了。(YYW)

    Awards/获奖情况:这幅引人入胜,感人的肖像描绘了一群中年温尼伯犹太人试图拯救他们的冰壶俱乐部的故事,强调了他们在逆境中的同情心,友情和爱的力量,以及生活给他们与世隔绝的世界带来的变化。《击打岩石》富有当地的色彩,充满了幽默和羞涩,当这帮五花八门的老朋友们经历了一大堆磨难,并解决了这种情况时,《击打岩石》成功地使冰壶变得富有戏剧性和吸引力,他们学会在啤酒中珍视他们坚如磐石的友谊,他们的遗憾和胜利。这个人是非常有政治感的,政治可以让你心痛,但最终,心里的声音会赢。所以快点翻开这本书,莫非你有更好的事要做吗?---Gary Barwin, Stephen Leacock laureate, Yiddish for Pirates,意第绪语海盗 当全世界都满足于将蒙特利尔视为加拿大激进政治、喜剧、犹太化和冬季运动的炙手可热的中心时,Michael Tregebov知道(而且,很好地,他写道!)事实是:没有人能打败温尼伯。-- Charles Demers,,朱诺奖入围者,《财产价值》一书作者

    This comic, compelling, and moving portrait of a group of middle-aged Winnipeg Jews’ attempts to save their curling club is ultimately about the strength of their compassion, camaraderie, and love in the face of adversity and the changes life brings to their insular world. Rich in local colour and alive with Yiddish humour and shtick, Shot Rock manages the feat of making curling dramatic and engaging as this motley gang of old friends go through a whole shmear of spiels, schmoozing and shmaltziness and resolve this shemozzle of a situation, learning to value their rock-solid friendships amidst their beefs, their corned beefs, their regrets and their triumphs. The personal is political and the political can give you heartburn, but in the end, the heart wins out. So read this book—you have something better to do? --Gary Barwin, Stephen Leacock laureate, Yiddish for Pirates

    While the whole world is content to think of Montreal as Canada’s red-hot centre of radical politics, comedy, Jewishness, and winter sports, Michael Tregebov knows (and, wonderfully, writes!) the truth: nobody beats Winnipeg. --Charles Demers, Juno award finalist, author of Property Values

    About the Author/作者介绍: 温尼伯本地人Michael Tregebov的第一部小说《布里斯》入围英联邦作家奖,2012年《湿婆》紧随其后。他是一位著名的西班牙语翻译,住在巴塞罗那附近。他的翻译作品包括Nadine Gordimer和William Carlos Williams的著作,以及《星际迷航》和《均衡器》的100多集。

    Winnipeg native Michael Tregebov’s first novel, The Briss, was short-listed for a Commonwealth Writers Prize, and was followed by The Shiva in 2012. A noted Spanish translator, he lives near Barcelona. His translation work includes books by Nadine Gordimer and William Carlos Williams, as well as over 100 episodes of Star Trek (both generations) and The Equalizer.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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