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    上传日期:2019-11-8 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 02919019C00022

    English Summary/英文概要: This diary of acclaimed psychologist and radical feminist icon Phyllis Chesler was a pioneering work when it was first published in 1979. A look into the second wave of feminism and the era’s changing attitudes toward motherhood and pregnancy, With Child—now with an updated preface from her son—remains relevant for mothers today.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 这本日记的作者是著名的心理学家和激进的女权主义偶像菲利斯·切斯勒,在1979年首次出版时,它是一本开创性的作品。回顾女权主义的第二波浪潮,以及这个时代对母亲和怀孕的态度的变化,《有孩子》——现在有了她儿子更新的前言——对现在的母亲仍然有意义。(YYW)


    菲利斯•切斯勒写了一本勇敢的书,讲述了一位女性成为母亲的历程……一种直接的,非感伤的,但充满诗意的,把生育当做一种仪式。”--Erica Jong

    “一件珍贵的东西……让生育和做母亲变得有意义,也变得美丽,同时也变得艰难和痛苦的。”--Helen Yglesias

    “一个温柔的、私人的、全面的……在任何文化中,最重要的任务就是养育子女。”--Marilyn French

    "Phyllis Chesler’s myth-shattering insights could literally save the sanity of many women, whether we are mothers or not, and involve many men in a critical human experience." —Gloria Steinem

    "Phyllis Chesler has written a brave book about one woman’s journey into motherhood. . . . A straightforward, unsentimental, yet poetic account of birth as a rite of passage." —Erica Jong

    "A precious object . . . Makes childbearing and motherhood significant—and beautiful—as well as truly hard and anguished." —Helen Yglesias

    "A tender, personal, and ’in the round’ account of . . . this most important task of any culture: mothering." —Marilyn French

    About the Author/作者介绍: 菲利斯·切斯勒著有18本书,发表过数千篇文章和演讲,也是纽约城市大学心理学和女性研究的荣誉教授,心理治疗师,也是法庭的专家证人。她是妇女心理学协会和全国妇女健康网的联合创始人,妇女论坛的特许会员和美国资深女权主义者,国际妇女长城委员会的创始人和董事会成员。她住在曼哈顿。阿里尔·切斯勒是一名律师和作家。他在《时代》、《赫芬顿邮报》、《平板》和其他出版物上发表了关于养育、女权主义和LGBT父母子女的文章。他与妻子和两个女儿住在纽约市。

    Phyllis Chesler, author of eighteen books and thousands of articles and speeches is also an emerita professor of psychology and women’s studies at City University of New York, a psychotherapist, and an expert courtroom witness. She is cofounder of the Association for Women in Psychology and the National Women’s Health Network, a charter member of the Women’s Forum and the Veteran Feminists of America, and a founder and board member of the International Committee for the Women of the Wall. She lives in Manhattan. Ariel Chesler is an attorney and writer. His writing on parenting, feminism, and the children of LGBT parents has appeared in Time, Huffington Post, Tablet, and other publications. He lives with his wife and two daughters in New York City.


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