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    上传日期:2019-12-10 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 04331419C00183

    English Summary/英文概要: From a renowned group of international scholars, this new work examines how leading economic countries use sport business, particularly individual sports events (such as the Olympics or FIFA Men’s or Women’s World Cup) as well as participant sport, in comprehensive plans toward driving and furthering economic development, raising brand awareness (country as a brand), transforming lagging communities, and enhancing travel and tourism in the country.

    Comparative sport studies are fundamentally designed for cross-country and cross-cultural understanding, learning, and improvement. By recognizing the achievements, administrative procedures, and management practices of peer countries and using them as a mirror or referencing parameter, government agencies and sport organizations of a country may be able to identify areas that need improvements in their own administration and cultivate development and growth in the country’s sport industry.

    Exploring how China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, the UK, Germany, the US, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, and Australia have all used sport as a catalytic agent, each chapter delves into the country’s sports industry by looking at: recent history and stages of the industry; current state including scope, magnitude, structure, governance, policies, facilities, and programs; developmental characteristics, strength, and highlights; contemporary challenges and issues; and trends of development and advancement.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 由一群著名的国际学者完成,这项新的研究研究了主要经济国家如何利用体育产业,特别是个人体育项目(如奥运会或国际足联男足或女足世界杯)以及参与体育活动,提高品牌知名度(国家作为品牌),改造落后社区,加强国内旅游业。




    Invited international contributors in physical education, sociology, sport management, economics, and kinesiology compare the development of the sports industry in 11 leading economies. After an intro chapter on the globalized sport market place and factors affecting it, chapter-length country case studies detail the sports industry in 11 countries, including Brazil, Japan, South Africa, the US, and Korea. Each chapter gives information and analysis on the recent history and current state of the sports industry, politics and governance, and challenges and issues. The final chapter compares sports culture, sports development, and organizational structures in all 11 countries. B&w photos and charts are included. --Annotation ©2018 Source: (protoview.com)

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    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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