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    定价:0.00 美元
    上传日期:2020-1-10 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06430020C00002

    English Summary/英文概要: When a thriving forest is swallowed by wildfire the animals brace themselves, then look to new beginnings.

    At first, they didn’t notice the spark flying above the dry treetops. But then the smoke blew from the north, and the flames began to grow...

    Author/illustrator Gianna Marino uses lush water-colors to explore the bitter-sweet cycle of burning and rebirth in the forest. Readers follow a lone deer as it sees its only home scorched by flame.

    A California resident herself, Gianna witnessed the 2017 Sonoma wildfire firsthand when it came within inches of destroying her property. Her personal experience is palpably reflected through her portrayal of dignified animal silhouettes and stark, ashen landscapes in the wake of the fire. The book closes with an essay describing her encounter with the wildfire.

    A great book for fans of Don’t Let Them Disappear, also illustrated by Gianna and written by Chelsea Clinton. Parents and children with a soft spot for the fragile ecology of the forest will connect immediately with this book, and gain appreciation for what it takes to protect the natural world. (Zoe)

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 一開始,牠們沒有意識到那是一朵火花,接著火焰很快點燃了乾燥的枯葉,然後是整座森林,鋪天蓋地的野火開始了...


    然而,在這本繪本中,Gianna Marino以她細膩的水彩講述了一個永不放棄、充滿希望的故事,也讓我們看到大自然生生不息的生命力。

    隨著氣候變遷帶來的極端氣候,長時間的乾旱使得自然引發的野火災情也越來越嚴重,現在仍在進行中的澳洲野火已經燒掉了三個台灣的面積。本書書末附有作者寫下親生經歷野火的經驗,以及關於野火的知識,是一本可以帶領孩子認識這個日益重要的氣候變遷問題的繪本。 (Zoe)

    Awards/获奖情况:★ "As the pages turn, evocative gouache paintings silhouetting animals and tangled tree branches shift movingly in hue from green to orange to charred black, then to the cooling blue of rain and the green of new growth."—Publishers Weekly, Starred Review

    ★ "The poetic text is powerful and effective at building tension and then providing hope. The color palette perfectly conjures the before, during, and after of the fire while Marino’s lyrical text from the deer’s view point gives it context. It is a potent combination." —School Library Journal, Starred Review

    ★ "These double-page spreads have the translucence of watercolors and constantly change colors. The yellows and greens of the forest are overtaken by fiery reds and oranges, which turn to sooty gray, then warm brown, with, finally, shoots of green. Reassurance about the resilience of the natural world."—Kirkus Reviews, Starred Review

    ★ "[A] radiant picture book, which celebrates the resilience of nature." —Booklist, Starred Review

    About the Author/作者介绍: Gianna Marino is the author/illustrator of Zoopa, One Too Many, Meet Me at the Moon, Too Tall Houses, Following Papa’s Song, and If I Had a Horse. She also illustrated Chelsea Clinton’s bestselling picture book Don’t Let Them Disappear.

    吉安娜.馬利諾 Gianna Marino 出生於舊金山,早年喜歡在金門公園騎馬奔馳。高中畢業後,她擴大探索範疇,且為了支付旅費,她同時擁有好幾份工作:一名壁畫家的學徒、珠寶設計師、產品設計師,並在公園駕駛四輪馬車。吉安娜曾至世界許多角落探險,從非洲、亞洲,到南太平洋、歐洲,到在公海當帆船水手。吉安娜為旅遊和休閒雜誌寫過許多文章。吉安娜現在仍時常在世界各地漫遊,她住在北加州,從事全職的寫作與插畫工作。台灣已出版有她的作品《跟隨爸爸的歌聲》(Following Papa’s Song)(滿天星出版)。


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

    Sales in other countries/其他国家销售情况:Japanese/Poplar


