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    定价:7.99 英镑
    上传日期:2005-7-8 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 00470005B05409

    English Summary/英文概要: This novel centres on the effect "the green knight" - an angelic figure, a man thought to have been murdered but who is returned to life - has on the lives of three sisters, their family and friends.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 一個天使一樣善良的男孩,就在所有人都認為他被謀殺後,卻奇跡般地復活了。本書集中探討了這名男子對他的三個姐妹,他們的家庭以及朋友們所產生的“綠林騎士”效應。(XMM)

    Awards/获奖情况:The Booker Prize Best Novel nominee (1969): The Nice and the Good

    The Booker Prize Best Novel nominee (1970): Bruno’s Dream

    James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Fiction Best Novel winner (1973) : The Black Prince

    The Booker Prize Best Novel nominee (1973): The Black Prince

    Whitbread Prize Best Novel winner (1974): The Sacred and Profane Love Machine

    The Booker Prize Best Novel winner (1978): The Sea, the Sea

    The Booker Prize Best Novel nominee (1985): The Good Apprentice

    The Booker Prize Best Novel nominee (1987): The Book and the Brotherhood

    This 25th novel from the British philosopher-novelist imbues contemporary London with biblical themes in a story involving one man’s attempts to murder his half-brother. ---From Publishers Weekly

    Though it starts slowly, this philosophical novel soon envelops the reader in a Byzantine plot that weaves around nine characters. Peter Mir, the "Green Knight" of the title, is nearly killed when he intervenes to protect Clement Graffe from being murdered by Graffe’s half-brother, Lucas. Mir mysteriously reappears and demands reparation from Lucas, provoking various responses from the two brothers and their circle of friends: Harvey Blacket; Bellamy Jones; the three Anderson sisters, Aleph, Sefton, and Moy; and their mother, Louise. As in other Murdoch novels, part of the exposition is a religious quest. Murdoch is skilled at keeping the reader turning the pages while allowing the characters to discuss and experience such weighty issues as guilt and redemption, revenge and transformation, and virtue and moral perfection. This is a superb novel, with great depth of plot and characterization as well as riveting suspense.---Ann Irvine, Montgomery Cty. P.L., Md., From Library Journal

    The Green Knight is, after all, an Iris Murdoch novel--which means it’s painstaking and ruminative as it explores the murky waters of loss and redemption. But unlike many of her recent novels, this one doesn’t drag; it takes wing with a sounder perception of human frailties and strengths, a keener sense of construction, and a lovelier style than she’s been exhibiting lately. Joan and Louise live in London and have been friends for years, and the plot revolves around them and their network of family and friends. Two of the latter are brothers Lucas and Clement, who’ve been involved in a peculiar incident. It seems that Lucas, out of self-protection, killed a man who was trying to mug him. The truth of the matter is far more complex and serious. The reality is that Lucas was attempting to kill his brother when the other man intervened, although he did not actually die as a result (unknown to Lucas and Clement and most everyone else, including the newspaper-reading public). This man comes back into Lucas’ life demanding justice for Lucas’ assault, and the result is that not only are the brothers’ lives altered forever by his actions, but so are those of Joan and Louise and everyone else in their crowd. A novel of intelligence and heart, appealing to Murdoch’s audience or to any lover of serious literature.---Brad Hooper, From Booklist

    About the Author/作者介绍: Iris Murdoch was born in Dublin in 1919 of Anglo-Irish parents. She went to Badminton School, Bristol, and read classics at Somerville College, Oxford. In 1948 she returned to Oxford where she became a fellow of St Anne’s college. Awarded the CBE in 1976, Iris Murdoch was made a DBE in the 1987 New Year’s Honours List. She died in February 1999.
    艾麗絲•默多克女爵士(Iris Murdoch,1919-1999年),愛爾蘭小說家。在作品中她審視了自由、愛、性、道德以及命運之間的關係。她以敘述技巧、機智和獨創性而著稱。她的小說經常關注哲學的困境,情節構思精細而複雜,人物具有象徵意義。《鐘》(The Bell)(1958年)是她最知名的作品,書中描寫了一個世俗宗教團體的明爭暗鬥。默多克出生於都柏林,1942年畢業于牛津大學,1987年被授予大英帝國女勳爵頭銜。她一生創作頗豐,有二十五部小說、六個劇本、一冊詩集及五部哲學著作問世。由其丈夫約翰•貝雷(John Bayley)所著的回憶錄《挽歌獻愛妻》改編而成的電影《艾麗絲的情書》,在第五十二屆柏林電影節上備受追捧,轟動一時。


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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